Thought that they could take pain killers, usually injected. As long as they aren't on the banned list of enhancement drugs.
I felt Rossi started to lose that willingness to really push into the risk zone after his bad leg break and also the Simoncelli accident. IMHO, he was never quite the same afterwards
I had pretty much the same injury in the 90s playing American football, though my break wasn’t as displaced as that and I didn’t find out about it until after it had already healed. It’s left me with a ridge on my humerus which is sensitive to the touch as it’s at the point where the humerus is closest to the skin and not that well covered with muscle, though looking at the x Ray, his break is slightly higher up than mine and so is somewhat covered by the outer deltoid. The ridge on my bone occasionally still tweaks the nerve and the “injury” I picked up the weekend before last when I pulled something when adjusting my helmet seems to be irritating the same nerve as I’ve got very intense pain radiating down the outside of my arm, into my elbow and sometimes even my hand (including numbness). It’s that bad that 11 days later I’m still doped up on codeine 24/7 and wake up howling in agony most nights at around 3am when my midnight dose wears off (example - look at the time stamp on my message #168, as I was reading this thread while I waited for the drugs to kick in again after being woken by the pain). If MM has similar nerve damage I really feel for him and hope it doesn’t cause problems with sensation in his hand and affect his riding as he’s such a talent and a joy to watch it would be a shame if he lost that edge.
As I said to a guy I was talking to once who was surprised he’d managed to crash a borrowed Pani on his first ever ride of a bike with TC - “It’s software, not magic!”. Plus, of course, when the bike finally does let go, you’re going a hell of a lot faster than you would have been without the electrickery helping out.
Rins two and a half seconds off the pace and his body language didn’t look great this morning. Can’t see him racing. Cal right down the order but did loads of laps so probably just getting a feel for the bike.
Great to see Rossi back up there for this round,but tell me is he on a factory bike this year or not.?
This year yes. Next year he'll be on the bike Quarteraro is on now. Seeing as it won last week , not a bad option, basically the same works bike different team.
I just don't get the factory Yamaha's in recent times,one minute there and the next not,more consistency is required for a championship.
The dream ticket for me is for MM to take a very long sabbatical and for Rossi to win one more title then retire.
It would be fitting, but........ it's not just MM he has to worry about, more like FQ and MV and Pol E, I reckon, this year anyway.