Isnt that what wheres-my-dinner-dad is doing in Iran; anyone whonboices against the leadership rounded up and god kows what?
There's obviously a middle ground between dictatorship and the relaxed laws we have now allowing hate preachers to operate freely in our country
Obviously, however I'm not convinced we need to go any further down the repressive path as a knee-jerk reaction to a single horrific incident that probably couldn't have been prevented whatever the regime.
So we should carry on with the lets not do anything incase we offend anyone way of running the country then
We should carry on seeking out criminals and bringing them to justice within the Law. I'm not sure we have an existing policy of not doing anything in case it offends someone, what we have is a policy of not arresting people unless there is evidence they have committed a crime.
See the Aussie PM has been at it again. Key message; founded on christian values with laws and tolerance, English the language, if you don't like it, cant speak it or don't want to comply with Aussie law then leave simple, clear and pretty refreshing. Its upset loads but hey, tradition is tradition and who's country is it?
Obviously. But if we wait until they are perpetrators, we cannot stop the murder. And if we act before the murder ... assuming we know who "they" are ... they aren't perpetrators, are they?
If we disregard the "European" Australian's shocking treatment of the indigenous population that seems fairly straightforward.
Every indigenous population on the planet is made up of the descendants of those who murdered the previous indigenous population.
But, as has been said on here, where is the evidence that She/He does not exist? Btw, not wishing to draw into a debate on religion, so I won't be drawn back on any views about the open question for thought and balance posed above. anyway, back on topic... Sincerest condolences to the family and friends. Amazing how insensitive our press can be. If it were my son/brother/friend, I would be personally disgusted in the race to have the most graphic pictures published/broadcast, but maybe I'm a tad too sensitive.
as they say, absence of evidence is not evidence of abence. you cant disporve that there arent fairies at the bottom of the garden, but it is highly implausable.
There seem to be a lot of vague references to "hate speech", with some wanting it freely permitted, others wanting it to be suppressed. I prefer to nail the topic down to a specific distinction. Speech threatening violence or murder, incitement to violence, and conspiracy to commit offences is illegal and rightly so. Other kinds of speech ought not to be suppressed, including people saying things which are disagreeable or offensive. Unfortunately many police officers seem to be confused on this issue. They fail to arrest preachers making threats of violence, even when evidence is provided. Sometimes the police even go so far astray that they arrest people demonstrating peacefully whilst taking no action against the violent threateners against whom they are demonstrating. Therein lies the problem.