That is a monstrous proposal, and extremely offensive. Ideas do not come much more perverse than that one.
concern was voiced re armed police response times,if all police officers were armed then they would have been better positioned to speedily deal with these terrorist incidents. my view is give the police the tools to police.....or maybe iv just grown up in a society where normal is slightly different.
As perverse as hacking someone to death , as perverse as murdering school children , need I go on . extremely offensive Pete, I'll tell you what's extremely offensive, people that hand wring and make their fellow countrymen bend over to take one up the arse just so the minority's can be appeased. Why not arm the police, does it offend you when you get off the channel tunnel into France and see the jonnys armed, doesn't bother me in the slightest.
I spent two years where you are, several years ago, I am inclined to partly agree with you inasmuch that 'normal' was much more than slightly different............and I sincerely hope 'normal' doesn't return either to where you are or to the rest of the UK, regardless of whatever religion is the excuse.
you are of course correct.but the point im trying ( badly ) to make is that an armed police force are in a better position to protect myself and my family when confronted by complete nutters , now tell me if you were confronted by this would you rather a police officer be armed with a firearm or a truncheon?
To add , sometimes the most intelligent well informed amongst us can say the most stupid things , exactly like politicians they let the ordinary joe down by being so benignly ignorant of the kind of laws and justice the common man craves for.
In the latest incident, it wouldn't have made any difference to saving the soldier's life. In all the other terrorist plots of recent years, I can't think of any in which routinely armed police would have made any difference. If you have armed police, you will have routinely tooled up criminals in case they need to confront them. I don't recall the police asking to be armed as a matter of course. I still think that the public have a different rapport with a police that carry a gun. Still, living in a country in which the police are armed - it's probably not as big a deal as some people think. But then Switzerland is a comparatively quieter place than Moss Side or other violent places in Britain.
For Fucks Sake. There are good and bad (and fucking awful) people in any large group, however you categorise them. You will find extreme examples of murder, rape and other appalling behaviour in any element of society. All of the groups you quoted have committed atrocities against others (mainly, but not exclusively, on the grounds of "religion"). If democracy means some level of tolerance for the views of people you do not agree with, that is fine. If democracy means people can speak out against what they do not agree with, that is fine. What is not fine is any lapse in the enforcement of the law. The law will take its due course, and in the vast majority of cases, will be just (and yes, there will be examples where mistakes were made). Some of the posts on this thread (in my opinion) indicate that posters are willing to stoop to levels at or below those recently demonstrated by the murdering and cowardly bastards that killed Drummer Rigby (RIP). Do not tarnish his name or the country he fought for to spout your racist shite. Some of the best people I know are Muslims and Hindus (and some of the worst). Some of the worst are of no particular religious preference, but are white and born in England (and some of the best). Most people in any category are good, as ever it is the minority of complete wankers who tarnish the rest.
You're the very beacon of civilization quite clearly! Either you're just shooting you're mouth off - in which case please grow up and act like an adult, or you really meant that, which puts you in exactly the same position as the fundamentalists who blindly lash out through anger and ignorance.
They probably are. Child grooming is appalling, and not the exclusive remit of a small minority of Muslims. English people of a variety of colours, creeds etc. have been guilty of crimes just as awful over many years. Do some of you also think that..... All Welsh men are paedophile killers because of Bridger. All Yorkshire men are serial rapist murderers because of Sutcliffe. All Londoners are thieving murdering sods because of the Krays. ...and so on? Maybe I am being too tolerant for some of you, maybe I am being realistic. Your views and reasoning would be appreciated.
naturally I am referring to the troublesome ones who arent happy. I wondered how long it would be before some nobba raised the Racist card. nothing to do with race. its all to do with trouble. they could be scotsmen wearing kilts and id say the same if they were causing bother... if this place is such a trouble causing shithole they deride. then they are free to leave
Phill, I have no idea what a "nobba" is, but I assume it is not a complement! Fair enough. I am a nobba, and I am proud! You mention troublesome "ones" - what is your definition of "ones"? If you believe people who cause "trouble" should leave the country if they do not like it here, where do you suggest they go? Most of them were born here (and most of them are probably white teenagers living on sink estates in big cities - e.g. The appalling riots in 2011, not many Muslims involved were there?) Nothing to do with race. So, if they are not Scotsmen wearing kilts, but white people born of parents and grandparents from the same town as you, what would you suggest we do with them?
they simply go to where makes them happy. for fuck sake lol. you are challenging common sense with your play on words troublesome ones = ones who cause trouble i notice you say "most of them" clever shite - who are "them" then you state most of them were born here.. well a shit load werent too.. common sense would dictate I mean the trouble causing extremists who want shot weve been tolerant of this bullshit for too long...time for a change
Phill, not an intentional play on words, I was trying to establish if by "ones" you meant troublesome Muslims, or troublesome people in general. And if moving into your street makes them happy, is that OK? It might surprise you that I think we agree on some points. I am also sick of the nanny state mollycoddling of wasters and idiots, but am also sick of the generalisation of bad folks by religion, race, nationality etc.