in the name of religion???

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by idrinkbeer, May 22, 2013.

  1. trawl this thread and view vidoes earlier.

    its obvious the extremists deride our society and our values and way of life on which it is founded.

    stating if your not muslim you should be dead.

    they want lining up -

    yet we "tolerate" this bullshit with doo-gooders saying we "should try and engage and tolerate and understand"

    that time has passed in my eyes
    fucking wishy washy doo gooders is the reason this place is turning into a fucking sewer full of extremist shite
  2. Phill, I have watched the videos, and am equally appalled. However, 100 or so people is hardly representative of the 3 million Muslims in the UK.

    Have you ever seen any videos on Neo-Nazi types, they are equally appalling and unrepresentative of the majority view.

    I agree with you totally that extremists of any type must be dealt with (within the law), but we should not tar everyone in each box we put them with the same brush.

    What we need to understand is why a very small number of people are turned from "normal" citizens into idiots who indiscriminately kill and maim innocent people in the name of their "god" (or some other futile cause).

    If living in the UK makes you so unhappy, where will you go?
  3. I recall the days of Combat 18 and the National different to the EDL, really...........

    Albeit I am appalled at the murder of the soldier; and incensed by the attitude of certain extremists, plus seriously concerned about the 'types' and 'culture' of some immigrants; I do not want to see idiots like EDL 'defending' the UK.

    If some religious faction decides to declare open war on British people and start attacking them wholesale; then I will defend myself and close others in the way I know......even if it means I get done in..............

    ......but I will have done a lot of them in before they get me.
  4. I dont have the answers - its all so fucked up

    extremists of any sort.
    in this case muslims due to this latest incident, bombings. bus bombings. tube bombings.

    if it was Nazi's doing this stuff - id mean them
    or if it was Morris dancers id mean them

    but time and time again it's extremist muslims who are breeding hate at an exponential rate seemingly
  5. You are completely without self awareness aren't you.
    if I looked up "irony" in the dictionary would I find a picture of you?
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Phill, we need to agree to differ on some points, agree on others (with a different rationale). I'm off to get some zzzzzs
  7. blow me froid

    thats all you do look shit up.
    full of opinion arent you - just that its often cut and pasted from google
  8. Fack Orf, you dirty git.....
  9. City type by any chance ? ganging up with big words ? not all ducati owners were born with silver spoons in their mouth!! :wink:
  10. yes perhaps I should return to suzuki land with more earthly rounded real people.

    really get the feeling that 1 or 2 on here are so up themselves

    ......."ohh did I tell you I ride a above most people you know"

    could that be you shadow
  11. Phil, Most post Bordi era duke owners don't even know what a bordi era duke is!! they are jump on the band wagon!!
    They think owning a ducati makes your shit not stink and thats a fact mate!
  12. I'm old an' stuck in me ways an' you kids dunt no nuffink. GET OFF MY LAWN!
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Garofff my land :wink:
  14. Gerrout a my PUB!

    And you, Phill, you've CLEARLY had enough!
  15. Lock in ?
  16. More like a D-cup, looking at that photo of you.
  17. Locked up seems more likely.
  18. Bloody landlords! We had your money now feck off home! lol
  19. Heh. I remember working in the Collector of Taxes as a Work Experience lad. The landlord of my local strolled in while I was doing counter duty.
    I wished the Earth would have swallowed me up. Mind you, it was novel getting all his money off him instead of vice versa :smile:
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