Tax Disc Holder where do you put yours pics please

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Big stu, May 25, 2013.

  1. Hi can anybody give me some ideas where else I can put my tax disc on my mts 1200 and pics please
  2. Ok ok .....stay calm and dont panic.....
  3. paper bag paper bag paper bag
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Don't tell them your name Pike.
  5. In the filing cabinet at home along with the ones off the other bikes.

    Do you really want a photo? :smile:
  6. Thanks lads very helpful hehe

  7. same here.
    its all electronic these days and I have never had a problem through not displaying..
    dvla are infact looking into a paperless system to save between 5 and 10 million a year in costs...
  8. Sorry and ladies didn't see birdie there hehe
  9. E
    Hey there I've got a deep voice ya no.
    And its Steve not Stephanie.
  10. Yes I like a good wind up as much as any other bloke :)
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  11. Mines in a hedge along the A4 somewhere...:biggrin:
  12. My 848's tax disc makes a good coaster on the coffee table, sorry no pictures available :biggrin:
  13. Do they still sell them things?
  14. Next to your disabled badge..........................
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  15. fined

    depends on the policeman that stops you,

    much as i hate to display it on my bike i do, cos i got stopped last year without my paper disc and got a 80 pound fine for not displaying.:mad:
  16. overall I think leniency is common here but (off topic) I saw a motorbike policeman standing a couple of yards away from a handwritten cardboard numberplated Suzuki at Boxhill yesterday!
  17. Having a tax disc displayed is arbitrary these days in the world of technology. A simple check on the PNC will reveal all your details of what you do or do not have. Even when you apply for a tax disc online it checks that you have MOT and insurance....
    There is simply no need to have one displayed, and the masses know it.
    Insisting on having one displayed is antiquated, pointless and nothing more then an excuse to levy a fine for something that's dumb. If cars had to display documentation on the outside of their vehicle you would have seen a radical change years ago.
    I keep an empty tax disc holder on my bike and if stopped my reply would be,,"someone must have stole it" who would have thought, having paperwork stuck to my vehicle would invite theft. For that same reason is why pay and display car parks are free to bikes... But even they are getting savvy and are going to machines where you pay by mobile phone against your registration number.
    The need to have one displayed ceased years ago, however the reason for dragging their heels in making it paperless, in my opinion, is that it keeps people in employment.
    I believe it is a DVLA requirement , not a legal one. Which explains the self preservation of delaying the electronic role out, whatever that is. What is there to actually change ? Procurement and the ability to electronically check is already here....

    Sorry for the rant but this really grips me.
    • Like Like x 3
  18. Had my 1100 since Friday, only problem I've had was where to put the disc as I've been chatted about it before
    Bought something called a gel holder, sticks in screen
    350 miles done. Awesome bike
  19. Having a tax dic displayed is to the core of good pro active policing.

    its a starter for ten on a variety of 'coppers nose' tax disc displayed, got to be worth a stop.
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