Which 3 Songs For Your Funeral ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by JAT, Aug 7, 2020.

  1. oh......... hi coke sucker ! Lambing season is never done, i'm busy producing all year round, not so much getting over it as to getting into it.
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  2. Oh hell yeah, that guitar solo is awesome!
  3. 1 fire and rain, James Taylor
    2 through the barricades, Spandau Ballet
    3 the ying tong song, the Goons
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. the theme tune from the muppets.
    anything by kylie minogue but preferably the one where she has that white dress on and you get to see side boob..
    for god you soul for me your flesh by pungent stench
    • WTF WTF x 1
  5. WOW, just Wow.
    I had never thought about past... Lot's of Zeppelin...
    I may be back to add some more, but lets start with these. I have to add something so it will keep popping up for me to read as I am interested now. And I refuse to hit the button that allows me to follow without contributing.

    Live and Let Die.
    In My Time OF Dying
    In the Light.
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  6. No more heroes by the Stranglers (my ringtone)
    Shine on you crazy diamond by Pink Floyd
    Nothing else matters by Metallica
    Freebird by Skynyrd
    Sorry did you say 3 songs - can't do just 3 - it's my f*ckin funeral you know - hopefully not for a long time though.
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  7. Top list but it will be a very long service... I’ll be coming just to listen to the music..... and drink your beer of course...
  8. In the Light is a superb song and Physical is a top album.
    I’m coming to your funeral as well.....
  9. Wish you were here !! pink floyd
    Foo fighter !! Hero
    And for the fire entry scene
    Ava maria !! The boats and hoes version from step brothers !!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. I’m sure I can fit your funeral in as well......
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. Ring of Fire - Johnny Cash
    Going Underground - The Jam
    Feeling Hot Hot Hot - The Merrymen
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Had my Dad's funeral 2 years ago. He was a WW2 Vet and post war he was a Carpenter/Builder. At his funeral we had ...
    1. Blue birds over - Vera Lynn
    2. Huggin' and akissin' with Fred (Dad was Fred and the lads on the site used to sing it to him when it came on the radio)
    3. Bobby's girl (His Brother and building business partner was Bob. The lads sang this from the scaffolding too)
    4. Murphy and the bricks (I can still hear him laughing at this)
    5. Somewhere over the rainbow (The original. His favourite song ever . )
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  13. born to be wild steppenwolf
    time of your life greenday
    everlong foo fighters
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  14. Difficult to pick 3 but...
    Third degree Johnny winter
    Couldn’t stand the weather SRV
    I drink alone George Thorogood,
    Would definitely be amongst them!
  15. You would be very welcome - but hopefully not for a long time, a mate of mine wants Highway to hell followed by Hell ain't a bad place to be - good choice.
  16. Just the one....

    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. You can picture the scene in a Crem, fookin priceless.
  18. Bring friends. It will be a fishing trip at sea...
    This way in just a few months my ashes will have evaporated up and rained down around the world.

    A) I will finally get to visit the places I never did...
    B) My kids can go to any body of water and talk to me without travelling somewhere specific.
  19. Written by the Anti Nowhere League - seen them in the very early 80's
    Great choice LMAO
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  20. My two sons have strict instructions to carry out my wishes (intro - verse - chorus - fade) and I have told them I will haunt them if they don't. :D
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