Is This S4r Exhaust System Titanium Or Stainless?

Discussion in 'Monster' started by Zhed46, Jun 22, 2020.

  1. TBH, I couldn't be ar5ed. The backstory is that I bought the same end can new from an Italian eBayer, but then when that was still en route 5 weeks later, the same end can plus supposedly titanium downpipes came onto eBay at £30 less than the new end can on its own. So, I decided to buy his kit and return the ones which were en route when they finally arrived, exercising my cooling off period/eBay's return policy

    My plan was to buy his, fit the end can to my S4R then either fit the Ti downpipes to my bike (I discovered later that they wouldn't fit my earlier S4R, which was yet another lie he told) or sell them on eBay to claw back some of the money. Tbh, from the photos I had very strong suspicions the downpipes were not Ti but I relied on the description given and that in my experience, people generally do not tell blatant bare faced lies when describing items for sale.

    As a matter of law I could have sued him for the difference in price between secondhand Ti downpipes and OE SS items (£300?) but unfortunately eBay's claims system is much less flexible than the court system and the inevitable adjudication in my favour would simply have resulted in me returning it all for a full refund. Seeing as I wanted the end can anyway, and seeing as DPD seemed to have lost the other one which was en route from Italy in their system and I wasn't confident it would ever arrive (though it did in the end) I could not be ar5ed packing them up and posting them to Windsor and then no doubt dealing with more lies and nonsense from someone who clearly had waaaaaaaaayy too much time on their hands and absolutely zero honesty and decency. I have dealt with a lot of liars in my time, but this guy was probably one of the worst, and I felt like I needed a wash after every time I interacted with him. It also just didn't make sense to waste hours of time and mental energy for the sake of a couple of hundred quid, when I liked the end can anyway (which would have cost me £30 more to buy new), the one on its way from Italy would be a hassle free return, and the whole thing was a distraction from paying work which would more than offset my losses.

    All's well that ends well. I have an end can that I like, Bradders gets some downpipes to butcher without risking the ones on his bike and the seller got a piece of my mind which I enjoyed donating, along with negative feedback, which, as he had less than 30 to begin with, is going to make it difficult for him to sell the remainder of his tat.
    #41 Zhed46, Aug 13, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2020
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  2. Yeah I get it, sometimes the hassel isn't worth it. You are right, alls well that ends well.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. You know where he lives, just sayin':thinkingface::D
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