Which Way Is Clockwise For Rebound Adjustment

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Carbon749, Aug 14, 2020.

  1. Hi,

    quick question, hopefully, I want to adjust the rebound in my rear shock, adjuster 3 on the diagram. The description is so many clicks from fully closed, fully closed is full wound in clock wise.

    Do I look at the shock bottom to top and wind clock wise, or do I look from top to bottom and wind clock wise to get to fully closed?

  2. If in doubt wind it one way and bounce it then the other way, whichever takes ages to rebound is full on......simples.
    Keep a note of your base setting.
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  3. Wound what I thought would be clockwise, and counted clicks, all noted down.

    Wound back out the desired number of clicks, all noted down.

    Will test ride this PM, but, if someone could have confirmed which way is clockwise, id be more confident I've got it right.
  4. Look from the bottom up.
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  5. Yep so as it sits on the bike clockwise is anti clockwise from the top on mine
    #5 johnny, Aug 14, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2020
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  6. My shock is on it's side :astonished: but I get what you are saying :)
  7. It's clockwise with the damper body at the bottom and the damper eye at the top. Winding it all the way clockwise is setting 0 which is max damping. You will feel a very positive stop which is when the needle that adjusts the flow is fully seated. This may or may not be at "click" position.
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  8. I had a similar confusion the first time I checked my 899 suspension, but thankfully in addition to saying "from fully closed/open", the manual also made reference to saying starting from hardest/softest, so you could easily cross reference these two pieces of information with the Hard and Soft direction markers on the shocks to know you were staring from the correct direction.
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