Things You No Longer See At Work

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by deleteduser211220, Aug 14, 2020.

  1. Having worked in an engineering/production environment, here are some of the things I no longer see at work.

    Big round sinks that a dozen men could stand around.

    Each locker room had it's own janitor, who worked in there full time.

    Smoking at desks, work benches.

    Old boys with big brown coats with pens and a 6" rule in the top pocket. Often with a shirt and tie underneath. Although they were hourly paid, blue collar.

    Managers who came up from the floor, and were actual managers, rather than some post grad on a fast track.

    Paid weekly in cash.

    Full on nude calendars.
    • Like Like x 13
  2. People actually doing any work :mad:
    • Agree Agree x 5
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Big round sinks that a dozen men could stand around.

    Each locker room had it's own janitor, who worked in there full time.

    Smoking at desks, work benches.

    Old boys with big brown coats with pens and a 6" rule in the top pocket. Often with a shirt and tie underneath. Although they were hourly paid, blue collar.

    Managers who came up from the floor, and were actual managers, rather than some post grad on a fast track.

    Paid weekly in cash.

    Full on nude calendars.

    Tea Lady.
  4. Out tea ladies came out of the tea crib and were known as the Soup Dragons.
  5. Zeus tables
    • Like Like x 5
  6. Some of mine
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  7. My old machine shop

    bhc machine shop 1972..jpg

    boys in the fettling bay..jpg
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  8. Circa '88
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  9. Common sense!!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. Fax machines ...
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. What’s ‘at work’?!
    • Funny Funny x 3
  12. Telex
    Being the only girl on the shop floor
    swarfega & battier cream
    No ppe
    Toasted cheese sandwich at the pub lunchtime
    Shorts down the pub Friday lunchtime
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  13. I can accept the battier cream on the shop floor in N. Korea but the rest of it Char ?
  14. Typing pool
  15. clocking on with cards,

    When I first stated with Rolls-Royce, I was at their college. We learnt that there was a clock on the first floor that was slightly slower than the one on the ground floor. So, when you were a minute late the gig was to grab your card from the rack next to the downstairs clock, then run up the stairs and clock in on the upstairs clock. The fact that you were late and had broken the rules by running in the corridors was immaterial, for you had clocked in on time!


    In the very pre-equality days, porn was everywhere. Stuck up on noticeboards, in tool boxes, and bench drawers!

    Tea Trolleys

    In the days before coffee machines, old dears would come round the shops to dispense tea from a trolley at break time. It was heavily subsidised and you could get cheap cakes as well!
  16. yes completely back to front!

    its what happens when you lose your hearing o_O:blush::bucktooth:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Swift pint at lunchtime.
  18. When I was in the shipyards, the machine shop still ran off the overhead belts and pulleys system.
    None of that newfangled stuff you have there.
    All of the machines were imperial, so you had to convert your metric tolerances from pump and engine manufacturers before you started working on stuff.

    The low level yard crane was steam driven on a rolling stock chassis.

    This was all in the late 80's on the Tyne.
  19. When i was at the forge for the year we did three pints.:eek:
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