Fair play to anyone who buys that lot, i think a very long winter project or loads of spares for the right buyer.
Agreed,only for the brave or fools need apply,but over priced scrap metal in my book......i'm in trouble now with the classic lads.
I'd count myself in the classic brigade, and wouldn't entertain it. That's hundreds of man hours of work some quite skilled with measuring shim sizes etc. and several thousand pounds of spend. Plus potentially a lot of work to get it registered with the DVLA. By the looks of it you would end up with one of the less desirable models thats probably worth around £3-4k.
Agreed and a weekend in Ibiza would be a much better relaxing propostion,but each to their own & what floats the boat etc.
One for the classic brigade. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1974-Ducati-750-GT/303660518964?hash=item46b393ce34:g:HW4AAOSw0SxfKHO6
MH900e zero miles, swiss bike 12k reserve not met. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ducati-M...882574?hash=item3b4cff7d0e:g:aVQAAOSwYl5fP3Kf
You've all got better staying power than me! I've deleted all of my eBay searches so that I no longer get sh1t emails every morning. I feel as cleansed as when I stopped paying my tv licence!!!!
I just search Ducati and then newly listed in best match so i don't get emails, i've been doing it for years as i sell on ebay as well(not bikes).
I can still go the website and search for whatever and I've still got my eBay account. Not getting the mails means that I can search when I want to and on my terms. The emails generated from saved searches was getting too much!