As well as a good track, exactly how stupid is our PM? The only way to lose weight is to eat less. If you train with a "celebrity" trainer and he actually takes a short break from being a celebrity - and Boris rewards the country by taking a long break from being PM - the object of training is to turn fat into muscle - which weighs much more. So, the end result may be that you are fitter but you will not lose weight. You will gain weight because exercise raises your appetite and turns fat into muscle. Good job that we have a PM with no idea...
The world, overall, has gone completely barmy. Everywhere I look these days all I'm seeing is thick people not listening to any sensible advice about anything. We are doomed so I'm going out for a ride............................
You cannot "turn fat into muscle" . Losing fat and gaining muscle are two different processes.. one involves burning more calories than you consume and using stored fat as a fuel source, the other involves consuming more calories than you burn and progressively overloading the muscles.
Effectively, that is what you do if you start training - turn fat to muscle. To build the muscle you may burn the fat and create muscle, but the effect is the same. There is no way (although it is often "sold") of burning fat without creating muscle. To lose weight you have to eat less - thus turning the fat to nothing.
Look at heavyweight boxers - no fat but most will weigh 18-20 stone. Just muscle. If a boxer need to get down to a weight, they have to eat less. Training more and eating the same will make you more hungry and put on more muscle. You have to eat less.
Yes, diet is key to weight loss. But light exercise will supplement a weight loss program. It doesn’t sound stupid to me. But I’m guessing you just don’t like bojo.
I suppose that a dash from 10 Downing Street to the HoP might count. And turning up for PMQs in a traky and out of breath would prove to the country that this is not BS. I don't think that it will happen but I'd love to be proved wrong. Probably, others could benefit. They should all be on exercise bikes in Parliament! They could all be connected with an app. To win a vote, everyone needs to cycle quicker. The fastest party wins! I'd watch that on telly!
that's completely incorrect though mate, you can burn fat all day long and not gain muscle. cardio does not build muscle, otherwise endurance athletes (read, mega skinny distance runners, cyclists etc) would be huge. you either bulk.. i.e eat more calories than you burn, weight train and thus gain muscle (and some fat, depending on how many cals over your BMR you're consuming) or cut, i.e consuming less cals than you burn, thus using fat stores (and some muscle, eventually) as fuel. you can't do both together. "turning fat into muscle" is an old wives tale, the same as housewives that think doing sit ups "targets belly fat"
No magic, just eat less than you burn and you will lose weight over time. BUT If you do a healthy KETO diet... You CAN train your body to burn real fat, and not just Carbs that are being stored (as a type of fat) for quick energy. THUS You can burn Fat without creating muscle. Get into Ketosis, do not exercise, but eat less than you burn. Rex
Changed my diet 11 weeks ago, shocked during lockdown that I hadn’t lost an ounce, ney, actually gained weight and was riding my indoor training bike for 160miles / week. Now riding HIT sessions of no more than 40 mins 5 times week, walking when weather permits 3-5 miles and lost a stone, I’ve got another 4 pounds to goal weight and I’m a happy bunny
So the point is that however you want to put it (and I was very shorthand) you have to eat less calories than you burn and not go "celebrity" jogging!
The Colombian diet is the best. I bet bojo is taking loads of drugs and the trainer is just a front for when he starts losing lots of pounds.. the drugs will eventually get the blame for him losing all of our pounds ....wait for the book...