916 Sps At 50

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by 98 SPS, Sep 3, 2020.

  1. 1st April 2005 this 916SPS came into my posession with just under 10,000 recorded miles.
    15 years and a few months later it now has 50,000 on the clock.
    On a Sunny day with an empty road it never fails to put a smile on my face.
    20200903_180316.jpg 20200903_180251.jpg
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  2. Hey,you've done well with that amount of miles,Once your up to speed and traveling at Boom,Boom time they're a real class act.:upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Very nice, my 900ie clocked over 50k this year:upyeah:.
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  4. Great to see these bikes being used.
    • Agree Agree x 9
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  5. Love it :upyeah::heart:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  6. Fantastic! Makes me feel better about a 33k miler I'm trying to get back on road slowly.
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  7. My st4 is at 62462 miles (104,103 km). it is still running strong...burns no oil and has great engine compression. I always warm it up to 140 degrees, change the synthetic oil often and do the valves. i hit a deer recently and sustained some damage which has been repaired. very very reliable... ST4.jpg
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  8. Thanks are due to Mick Price for encouraging me to get an SPS after the demise of my 7 year old 45,000 mile 916 Biposto in 2004 and for servicing it for the first few years I had it. Once Mick moved on to pastures new, I go and annoy Nelly at Cornerspeed every 2 years for a bollocking about my lack of tlc, and he has been keeping us roadworthy for about the last 10 years or so.
    If you want another mileage thread I will start one on my 94 900SS when I get round to putting it back on the road. It has had a year off after blowing its first fork seal at 72,000 miles last spring.
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  9. Ok, so you have my dream garage:

    SPS & 900SS.... and they both get ridden! Fantastic stuff!
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  10. Great to see an icon being used. Not just a garage Queen. Will she see 100k?
  11. Hmm! The SPS might see 100k, but it is touch n go which one of us will be first to 60 so I doubt I will be the one to take it there.
    The 900 is a maybe.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Good to see these bikes with some miles on, I've got a 998r with about 29k on it, got it with just 1,700 on the clock. Been all over the place on it both home and abroad.
    I do wonder about the 15 - 25 year old bikes that have just a few miles on them, the fun is in the riding...............says the person who hasn't ridden his bike for 7 years:innocent:
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  13. Im spreading my bets...
    RSV4 - bought 10 years ago 2k on the clock - now 15k (valve check incoming)
    Z1000 - bought 6 years ago on 6k - now on 20k
    Hypermotard 1100 evo sp - bought 5 years ago on 10k - now on 15k
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  14. Pah, friend of mine has a CBR urban tiger he bought new and now has 197k miles on it, and a GSXR1000 he bought new and has 120k on that :joy:

    But nice to see an SPS being used as it should be, and still looking great for it too. Such a brilliant motor in the SPS - I can see why you have used it so much!
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  15. Thanks Messer.
    I just wish I had the ability to use more of the available performance.
    I nearly bought a new GSXR1000 in 2005 before the SPS idea arrived.
    Wonder how many miles that would have done by now?
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  16. Bikes are bikes, but there's a big difference to owning a Ducati and any old UJM.

    Steve R
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Looks a lovely bike mate

    Glad I’m not the only one with a high miler! My 748R has done 45k, but had a bit of pampering in my ownership.
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  18. Awesome! I just don’t understand people who buy Ducatis and then put them on a plinth in their living room and witter on about how it’s keeping its value. Obviously other marques also suffer the same fate but with nowhere near the frequency of Ducs.

    The phrase “knowing the price of everything but the value of nothing” springs to mind when I hear such people talking about their bike. Just think of all the excitement and memories the owners have missed out on while they were marvelling at the 00000 0 on the dash and calculating residuals.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  19. You're a long-time dead & most bikes are pretty crap investments anyway. At best they are really just depreciation proof assets, especially if you keep up maintenance schedules etc.
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