I got 8 correct out of 9, - of course one of the answers is just totally ridiculous...
Doing that quiz shows that cyclists and pedestrians no longer need to think for themselves or take care of themselves: it’s all other road users responsibility
The quiz is shit. Question 7 has no correct answer. I done the test 3 times an chose a different answer each time, all incorrect. And as for opening ya drivers door with ya left hand so as to see on coming cyclists? Utter tosh...
Thought the idea was for you to see cyclist and scooterist coming from behind, if you struggle to see oncoming traffic are you sure you don't have a need to surrender your licence such is the deterioration of your eyesight. The Dutch adopted this some time ago. I can see from this small segment that the new requirements won't work with 90% of current road users so stuck in their ways. A little like all new ideas the luddites won't be moved .
And question number 7? In the answer it basically says that as a number of pedestrians may be blind or deaf a cyclist when passing a pedestrian on a shared path should ring a bell and call out politely... That will work with a deaf person. BTW, this luddite always checks his wing mirror then opens the door enough to look and see if a cyclist or motorcycle is coming before flinging the drivers door open... Telling people to use their left hand? You'd have more luck telling em not to use their phone while driving...
Hence the luddite reference some habits and customs are so engrained that peeps won't change their habits, I'm as guilty as anyone in some things seat belts are my engrained habit and the not wearing of. Phones are my pet hate the amount I see who use phones whilst driving on my daily commute is considerable, from your battered old car up to top of the range executive car. As for question 1-9 I didn't bother to check them as they'll be contradictory and in some cases make no sense. You have to start somewhere re this priority change I doubt this is aimed at us old codgers this will be for younger drivers and learners. My kids have always lived in a time when seat belts are mandatory I didn't hence I have an engrained habit of not always wearing such. They never fail to put their seatbelts on so engrained a habit.
True... changes have to start somewhere.. even if the changes are a bunch of arse! I'm a funked for not wearing a seat belt also even though they have been compulsory for my driving lifetime (I'm not quite a codger yet!). I was gonna take the fuse out of the seat belt warning dinger on my van but can't even get to the fuse box! Also my mate told me there probably ain't a fuse for it anyway...
There are often wires under your seats which when disconected/ unplugged, stops the seatbelt alarms. I guess its a sensor which is activated by someone using the seat? Its so annoying that someone did this in my car and so I never remember to wear a belt!
So, basically, zebra crossings are or will be unnecessary as pedestrians can cross where and when ever they like...and as a motorist you are expected/required to help them do it! p.s. I scored 7 out of 9 because I thought I knew what answers they wanted, not what the logical ones are IMHO...still didn't get them all, though!
On the money Stanford. From now on, some fella wanders on to the mway and you run them over, even if he walks from behind a gantry and jumps, your fault fella. and truck drivers are now the lowest of the low in road terms... not sure that will help stop one when some knob says ‘I’ve the right of way’ and the 44t is doing 30 5ft from said knob...
Except in my town and most of the towns in Herefordshire where the green county council have used the pandemic as an excuse to make whole towns, street by street, 20mph zones as a temporary measure... Bet your bottom dollar that it'll slide to perminant and not be removed. Hereford itself has been converted to a cycle friendly city, now schools are going back and people returning to work it's apparently more congested as a result. My youngest starts college there today but has to be driven to the bus stop a couple of miles away as the service is so patchy. It's 12 miles to her college so cycling isn't a practical proposition. Firstly using the pandemic is a really weak excuse to roll this out, they've grasped it all the same as it's like a lot of woke reasoning; make the reason something that you can shout and shame any opposition down. Added to which they've implemented their cycle strategy without doing anything of note about public transport. Herefordshire is a rural county with a lot of people commuting in. Glad I'm moving out of the county in a couple of weeks quite frankly. Though Gloucestershire has its issues too.
Not always correct, it is my understanding that if you do this it disables the integrated safety system, airbags are designed to work in conjunction with seatbelts in the EU Asia/Pacific region and i'm sure everywhere except the US, so no seatbelt signal no airbags. On some vehicles it is possible to disable the alarm in the computer system.