Would anyone know if the only option is the Diablo Rosso 3, or does Michelin still offer something in the requisite sizes (incl. 240/45 R17 for the rear)?
There is a Power 3 and a Power RS according the the Michelin web site. I have just fitted the Rosso 3 which IMO are a step function better than the Rosso 2 if you follow the Pirelli recommendation of tyre pressures. Andy
While the Rosso 3 is undoubtedly an excellent tyre, I wouldn’t say I like how it feels in the wet. Thanks Andy It appears the RS is discontinued in the 240/45 R17 size, but the Pilot Power 3 remains available in Diavel-sizing. I wonder how the Pilot Power 3 compares to the Rosso 3 in the wet? And I think the Power 3 is long in the tooth compared to the Rosso 3. But does that matter?
Carole has not mentioned anything negative about the new tyres although to be fair we have yet to ride in anything more than a passing shower. Yorkshire for 5 days from next weekend might provide several opportunities though. From her feedback, the think the feel of the tyre is affected by the pressure and I use the Pirelli web site recommended f2.7/r2.9 which seems to give better front turn in and a better wear pattern. Bloody bike is a devil for feathering the front tyre profile when you get enthusiastic, which Carole seems to be most of the time Never heard any negativity about the Power 3s, I’m just not a fan of the brand and Carole prefers what she knows so has not ventured there. Andy
Logically, I expect the Rosso 3 (like any modern road tyre) has ample grip in the wet. It’s how they feel that I don’t like. But tyre feel can be very personal – others may be happy with this tyre in the damp. Has anyone used Pilot Power 3 tyres on this bike?
@Lazzzydog, was the last person I know bought the Michelin but he’s not been on the forum for about 4 weeks. Hopefully the tag will send him a notification and he’ll be able to give some feedback. Andy
I’m using the pilot power 3’s on my XDiavel.. I’ve done around 4500 miles on them so far and I’d guess the rear is going to need replacing pretty soon. The front looks good for a few more thousands yet. Overall I much prefer the Michelin’s to the previous Pirelli’s which were fitted from new. The bike feels more stable, and the dual compound give me more confidence in the curves. Wet weather performance feels fine, but I’m not one to try and push on in the wet.
Pirelli's website shows the Rosso IV rear tyre sizes now go up to 240/45: https://www.pirelli.com/tyres/en-gb/motorcycle/catalogue/product/diablo-rosso-iv