Facebook Advice

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nasher, Sep 8, 2020.

  1. Morning all

    I really don't want to join Facebook, I hate the thought of being involved in it and being a sheep by joining, but have realised lately that I'm probably missing out on stuff like marketplace, and the odd group.
    Also I've found lately that a couple of small companies I want to deal with are only on Facebook, without a proper website.

    So, what's your advice to join with the minimum requirement to give them info, get minimal crap back, and be as much of a ghost as possible?


  2. Just don't sign up, there is so much crap on there and it is easy to get caught up in it. I tried but got rid about 5 years ago and just use Facebook messenger, handy for talking to friends in Italy and Australia FOC. :upyeah:
  3. I have an account purely for viewing bike related stuff and for sale items
    Switch off everything possible in privacy setting , use an alias and you’re good to go
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  4. If you set up an account you can put the least amount of info and you have privacy setting make your account private and not available in search engines.
    Use whatever picture you want and only accept who you want or just follow the groups you want.
    Don’t accept any friend requests
    You can be offline
    All this will be in your settings

    Your in control of what and who you want to see
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  5. I've avoided face-acee fron the start but my wife has it and it's useful for the marketplce but I still don't want to sign up - I regard it as instant divorce territory
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  6. About 15 years ago, my sons set up a Facebook account for our dog (at that time) with an old employer email address (they went out of business in 2011), and when the dog died, I took the account over in the dog's name -

    it's worked great cos nobody associates the account to me.

    Some details are a bit nefarious - the kids said I had gone to "Dogberry School for the Maladjusted," and my job was "Foodtaster at McDonalds", but no one ever questioned it.
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  7. My wife uses it too so i am well informed on what somebody ate last night and fluffy kittens!!
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  8. Don't be afraid of something that you have control over. They will only have the information that you give them.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  9. Funnily my kids did similar and he got loads of likes but faceache closed the account as he didn't have an email address :thinkingface:
  10. I dont get the paranoia about Facebook. Its no different to any other online platform really, the only people that get caught out on there are either greedy, naive or both.

    In theory, you need to use your real name, in practice many don't. Dont pick something obviously fake or the FB Stasi will be on you.

    Use something similar to your real name, or a first and a middle name - something like that. Use a Gmail or similar signup address. Dont post photos of you and your family. Lock everything down as said earlier in privacy settings and dont get drawn into silly arguments online.

    Do that and its no different to any online forum really. Most people fearful of it have never used it and believe the rumours...it serves a purpose. Use it for what it is, a communication centre and a resource for finding what you are looking for.
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  11. And don't be too hard on yourself for funding that giga-twat Nick Clegg in his executive job as a global ambassador for FB.

    It's probably not the worst despicable crime you're guilty of.
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  12. Just don’t get drawn into this shit and you’ll be alright....
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  13. And always use a VPN to stop them tracking your ISP, which you can't control otherwise
  14. You ok hun?

    Some do that on there too ;)
    • Funny Funny x 3
  15. Chose dodgy name - Dangerous Dave or Dippy Doris type stuff. DOB whatever you make up. Only genuine thing needed is email address.

    Personally I use it quite a bit as I find its a good way to keep contact, you see some hilarious stuff, if you want a row you can always find one ;) and its great for sharing pics and remembering where you've been!

    I have security settings to the max, but accept they do know what I look like, where I live and where I've been. Thats the trade off for any benefit I get from it :upyeah:
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  16. FB's ok. Use it, don't let it use you.
    Good to see what's going on in certain groups. No one gives a f*ck about you checking in at Nandos for tea, or if you're ok hun!
    Marketplace is useful for buying/selling locally without fees.
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  17. I have no interest in them tracking my ISP, what could they do with that information? Many websites track your ISP.
    I can just imagine thousands of people at Facebook looking at my ISP and being amazed that I am in the south west of France and connected through Orange.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. I'll send the boys round for that nice motorbike and brandy collection you posted recently :p:D
  19. I have Sabbaticals from it pretty frequently.

    My advice would be to stay off it personally if you’ve lasted this long without it.

    I am totally convinced that it is / was a good idea however it’s utilised for all the wrong reasons and honestly is a generally miserable place where people project their agenda and misery. I’m also convinced it’s not doing anyone’s mental health any good
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  20. I'm not on FaceBook. I'm prepared to live with the FOMO of FB posts, and if a company only has a presence on FB, I figure they don't want my business.
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