Name Something You Used To See/ Appreciate, But Is Now No More

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Feb 14, 2019.

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    Never got me smoking, honest. In fact I still like the taste of a good old Rizzla paper wrapped round those mint chocolate sticks posh people have at dinner parties.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Feats of daring-do...! PICT0013.JPG
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  7. chewing nuts......

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  8. best toy ever from my Nan

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  9. From My Youth: People wanting silly money for originals on eBay
    540x360.jpg OIP.5Ajz30Rx98QT6UxOkVFH6AHaHa.jpeg tamiya-vanessas-lunch-box-12-rc-truck_1_a180040ae2e9466f55bdc6c08db988b4.jpg
  10. The new one is much better. should be in the "Strangely Attractive or just plain weird" thread.

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  11. Good manners!
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  12. Replies to job applications, regardless of the result. FFS
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Local pubs. Don't go to pubs anymore, the nearest to me is over a mile away my old local is no more and i mean no more and my other local is now having flats built on it and my other is a fucking Tescos :mad:. Last time i went to a pub was with my son his girlfriend and the wife and that was miles away, asked for a Guinness and a large sauvignon blanc for the wife, it came to 14 quid something!!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. I had one of those!
  15. we are both showing our age now...
  16. Good job you were too tight to buy four drinks.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  17. :joy: I Knew someone would pick up on that, my son and his girlfriend just had water believe it or not, they are both teetotal:grinning:, i won't even quote the food bill:scream:.
  18. Pint of bitter (OK, not great bitter, and I don't drink it) is still only £2.50 in my local. Well, it might be £2.60 now, I know Guinness went up 10p the other week.
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