Facebook Advice

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nasher, Sep 8, 2020.

  1. Those that indulge me on a daily basis of their tea and sitting in pjs watching soaps i mute them for 30 days so they don’t get seen by me :)

    A use local businesses from Facebook so it’s great for that
    My produce man is on there and it’s free advertising for them
  2. Its one of the ways they bombard you with 'relevant local offers'. Choose what you like, the advice remains: best with a VPN
  3. loads of truth in this!
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  4. I rejoined facebook so that i could use Marketplace and keep an eye out on trackdays etc. There's also companies on there that i deal with so it made sense to be on Fb.

    Personally i hate the platform and most of the people on it. Even the trackday groups, there's so many on there that just want to be little keyboard warriors. I just ignore the shit and do what i need to do.
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  5. @Advikaz just gets rinsed all the time for owning a Gixxer mate that's why he needs to take a brake from it ;)
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  6. Hope that they enjoy that, I don't respond to anything.
  7. Obviously not working as I don't drink Brandy and have none in my house. Where are they sending the boys too?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. My mistake, you need to upgrade your webcam, can I sell you one :p
  9. i'm the same mate, i didnt want to join but wanted to get on the market place etc. i havent read the whole thread here so forgive me if its already been answered, but, i followed the below when i set up my FB account...

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  10. I read a statistic recently how many times FB is mentioned in divorce cases. I'd Imagine Instagram would also be pretty high.

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  11. Life's way too short to argue with 1/2 wits/trolls on t'internet
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  12. That's not the fault of Facebook or Instagram though, it's the fault of the idiot indulging in divorce worthy activities. The fact that they choose to record said activities on t'internet just demonstrates their idiocy.
  13. I joined and left after 24hrs.
    I joined again because I couldn't avoid it. People in off road groups organise meets and mx tracks etc open times, and closures. I don't put anything personal on there, no face pics. I use an abbreviated version of my name, because I am not linked with work people or family.

    I don't find it an issue and it is nice to connect to people I meet with similar interests. I keep it quite private.
    I'm not one for the drama and BS and over sharing. It doesn't have to be about all the silliness. I unfollow almost everything so I can look at it when I want, not be bombarded. I do not do any business on there I do not need to.

    I still don't like it.
  14. I deleted my account yonks ago. FB was getting on my tits. Don’t miss it one bit.

    Someone told me my account was active again with all sorts of shite being posted on it. Obviously been hacked/reactivated or whatever. Not even interested in following it up.
  15. Thanks for all the comments, it looks like our dog might start an account to buy himself some stuff off Marketplace.

    Oh, and I'm glad it's not just me that doesn't want to join up.

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  16. Now don't get me started on dog accounts please!!!!!!!

    What the absolute fuck?
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  17. Of course.
    The platform doesn't entourage it, just a sign of the times.
  18. As long as your dogs noy namrd after Barnes-Wallace's pooch you should be fine :bucktooth::D
  19. Try liking an old girlfriends post and see where that gets you :D
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  20. Surprised you haven’t got one for your van tbh
    • Funny Funny x 2
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