Thanks for the technical manual... The term battery is used to describe the Phase Change Material cell and not an electrical battery in the same way as an energy source for your Ducati starting device. Found the bit I wanted... "The UniQ batteries are designed for producing mains pressure hot water in buildings and therefore, these heat batteries are equivalent to indirect unvented hot water cylinders or hot water only thermal stores."
Oh, for crying out loud!!! The war finished 75 years ago! And they have the Nurburgring!!! They are fine by me!
But they are far from environmentally friendly despite huge investment in green initiatives, nothing to do with the war
I was using battery in terms of a device that stores energy. That is why it can produce heat with the electricity switched off. I have gas disconnected now, which I wanted. I did not read the meters that often before and so I can't be sure how much more electricity that I am using, now. But, in any case, it is not much, as reflected by my recent readings - maybe one or two units a day. As I did not buy it to spectically save running cost, I am not bothered. You seem to be though.
Have you considered collecting faggots of deadwood from the local forest? That could provide a cheap source of fuel. Or cow dung?
You are literally using a fantastic* amount of electricity, compared to 99% of others. I'm so pleased that you are happy. My single goal in posting in this thread is to ensure others are not directed down this particular rabbit hole. *imaginative or fanciful; remote from reality
It costs me far more to get drunk at The Punch and Judy, than at Wetherspoons. I don't care because I have cut Wetherspoons out of my life. As long as I get pissed and pay more, I am very happy..
So they end up with all the money and we pay through the nose for it. But that's ok because we have saved the planet!
We do buy electricity from France, it helps us with the headline that Coal fired power stations in the Uk haven’t generated electricity for x amount of days. AFAIK Netherlands too.
I thought that we get it from France (because they are close) but they get in from Poland or Russia - because their nucluear power station are fecked?
And for the millionth time - which nobody seems to want to accept -- I was not looking for any cheap source of fuel. I had a faulty gas water heater that nobody wanted to repair, or couldn't and so it was due for replacement - at least 30 years old - so it needed replacement. I have no hot water tank in my house and nor do I want one, so the choice was either a new gas heater, a new electric heater, or this. Gas was ruled out because a) I wanted to get away from it and b) I could find no gas fitter interested in the job, Electric was ruled out because I could not see an obvious way of getting a dedicated spur to it from the fusebox, So Fischer seemed the easiest option because I could dump gas and not worry about getting a fused spur to where the electric heater would be With Fischer: no installation issues, no gas and no sucking air in through your teeth and telling me it's not a straightforward job. It took 2 hours to install and I had my first shower using it before midday on the morning of installation. I have an easy, neatly and quickly installed, cheap to run system that is guaranteed for 10 years, and will work in our frequent power cuts. It clearly leves people here p1ssed off and many want to "help" me, by telling me that I've been ripped off and I should rip it out and go back to gas. Well sorry (not much) to disappoint; I'll stay with my system and endure the the couple of units a day that it costs me. Anyone else can feel happy at my stupidity and keep burning their gas, oil, or coal, safe in their knowledge that they are paying way less than me. I'm happy. I don't want, nor need, anyone else's "useful" advice to "help" with my stupidity. I happy with the system, happy with the running costs, and happy with the installation. Now, I am just going to concentrate on replacing my night storage heaters. I can do that on my own and need no "help".
I can’t find any information on French N power stations being fckt, there have been problems found in the pipe work welds of 5 reactors. Only shut down I see is a 47 year old reactor. Do you have a link to your source?
France’s leccy is all nuclear afaik. Damn the UK Govt is clever . They buy in nuclear generated electricity so as to have ‘green’ energy and if there’s a nuclear meltdown, due to Perry’s new water heater overdrawing leccy, it will be on French soil and not British. I have seriously underestimated the UK Govt.