He National Grid

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PerryL, Sep 23, 2020.

  1. As part of my Fischer saga (detailed in a closed thread) I no longer need gas. So I contact my gas company (Octopus who took the account over when Co-Op Energy bailed out) and they say that it's good here and they will keep charging me until I get the National Grid to cut me off (despite the fact that it is already cut off).

    Now, I thought the National Grid was electricity, but it it is gas as well. apparently. And I thought that they don't lower themselves in dealing with domestic customers and you have to buy your gas from a supplier (who apparently take you money without lowering themselves in dealing with anything practical).

    I've looked at National Grid's website and there is no obvious telephone number or contact details for lowly domestic customers - let alone ex-customers. I can't even p1ss them off by not paying as I don't pay them anyway!

    Does anyone her (as there were many gas experts) know the contact details for National Grid Gas to tell them that you want everything taken away so that I no longer pay a standing charge - which I know will result in my gas being capped which it already is!
  2. Ooffft, be cheaper to keep playing the standing charge mate ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. That may be the downside but I'll change suppliers next because I bear grudges! Octopus should sort this out!
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  4. Everything :bucktooth:
  5. You sure?
  6. Yes :bucktooth:
  7. You are very moneysavingexpert.com oriented aren't you? But, unfortunately (for me), that tells me nothing!

    Anyway, I have a phone number now and so I'll try that tomorrow.

    Don't take offence because I will be buying a set of ST3 belts from you soon! That will complete the set of ST2, ST3, and S4r Monster, although as I write, I realised that I didn't get the Monster belts from you! I smashed the bike up before I could fit them!

    Which is good, for you - Exact-Start belts are not unlucky - Ducati ones are!
  8. Chat to Emma and she'll sort you out.

    0908 145 4744
    (Call cost 45p per minute plus network access charges apply)
  9. Don't cancel this, you'll need it again soon..... :rolleyes:o_O:yum :D
  10. A deal with no standing charge? :eyes: Doesn’t that mean no bill o_O
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  11. The way that it is panning out (and it is fluid because nobody seems to know what's going on) is that I have to get Octopus to disconnect the meter (I was misinformed when I was told to get National Grid to do it - they don't). After Octopus have taken the meter away, National Grid get in touch with me. They say, "Do You want the pipes taken up?" and I say, "No, I'm not bothered". Then nothing further is done.

    So, as long as I am not bothered about having a capped pipe run to my outside meter cupboard, then nothing happens. It would only be an issue if I was doing some building and wanted the meter cupboard gone and I was going to build over the fas feed pipe, or I needed to put foundations down over it.

    As I don't give a toss, then I just need the meter removed which I've asked Octopus to do. I think (and hope) that if I am not fussed about it then they are not. The meter is no longer connected to anything and so it just needs to be unscrewed from the wall and chucked in the bin. Everybody has been informed of what they need to do and so I don't consider it my problem any more.
  12. Don't forget when you sell the place (or your next of kin) they will need Mains Gas for the next owner.
    A property without mains gas is worth less than one with, all other things being equal.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. This may not be the case much longer. A little publicised new regulation announced in spring 2019 by, then Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond ruled that 'fossil-fuel heating systems' would not be installed in any domestic new build properties from 2025 as part of the Future Homes Standard. These systems include gas and oil boilers, though gas hobs are allowed, but unlikely to be affordable as gas is unlikely to be laid to sites at developers' expense. New build homes are already being built with no gas connection (lowering build price, not necessarily sales price).
    #15 Borgo Panigale, Sep 25, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2020
    • Useful Useful x 1
  14. about 7 years ago we were in the process of buying a bungalow down the lane from where we live ,things were going fine until we found out the gas had been disconnected and meter removed. they wanted £6000 to re install , the pipe was still there and it had only been disconnected 3 months, but they said they had to put new pipe in from the road.we tried to get seller to pay for the reconnection but in the end pulled out of sale
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  15. If I can throw in my 2 pence worth, wouldn't it be easier and better to just go on a zero standing charge tariff with any supplier for gas as earlier mentioned. No standing charge, no usage, zero amount to pay. Gas is still at the property just in case and you have zero cost guaranteed.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  16. Or perhaps using the Gas and having cheaper Bills o_O
    • Funny Funny x 4
  17. Buy a caravan and big dog, you are then exempt from paying any bills, apparently :bucktooth::D
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