Not that kind of xxx! If I had that capital at the moment I would be so so tempted.
Answered with a quick Google, there were a small batch of xxx/500 bikes dispersed globally so by no means unique and were Press / Demo bikes, seem to be regarded as second class citizens to the numbered bikes.
If I had the money to burn I would buy it - strip all of the road gear off and see just how Superleggera it could be! And then track the shit out of it! I can but dream!
There it is: With an equally intriguing price tag...
History shows in every case earlier Pre Production bikes will be worth more than production bikes in the future - here is a pre production (not even a prototype) CB750 Honda. Probably 10 times the price of a Concourse CB750 K0 and it's a pile of scrap... This is back on the market. If you were buying to use it, its a great way of saving £10k.
I would need 10 times my current income to even consider it. What did they cost new? £50k? Not a great investment in all honesty. Imagine how good you could make an 1199 by buying one secondhand for £10k and then spending even just another £10k to make it better? Saved - £15K I'm happy that these bikes exist, but its not something that has any buying appeal to me.
It was in @cookster garage at Silverstone. JHp customer. Belive it started as an SL2 until and unfortunate event