He National Grid

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PerryL, Sep 23, 2020.

  1. I thought that the downside was paying for a new set of crystals (at least a thousand and probably more) but they have just told me that the crystal will outlast me!

    So this is going to be an interesting journey!

    So I should snuff it happy!

    And with another change of subject: I don't listen to Radio 4 anymore, if I can help it, but my radio in the kitchen was turned to it while I did some washing up. So normal stuff about lockdowns and the 'R' number rising and more parts of the UK closing. And then we get the stock market report that they think fascinates listeners. Amid all of the gloom, the FTSE had gone up about 20 points! So, amid all of the bad news, traders are stretching their braces and saying, "This is great isn't it? Let's BUY, BUY, BUY!". I don't get the stock exchange - I am happy to say!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. * When bad news has already been expected and thus is already priced into the market, sometimes the news, when it comes, is not quite as bad as forecast so there is an adjustment - the market rises.

    * Sometimes players have taken a lot of short positions (i.e. bets that prices of certain instruments will fall), so when they do fall those speculators make loads of money. What do they do with it? Buy lots of other stocks which they forecast will rise, with the effect that they do rise.

    * Sometimes the government borrows vast sums of money and pours it into the pockets of their supporters and donors. That naturally pumps up the market.

    * Sometimes the value of the currency (£ Sterling) drops, which means that the prices of assets denominated in pounds go up (or rather, seem to go up). Therefore the prices of the shares in the companies which own those assets goes up too. The increase in numbers of £££ does not of course mean that the actual value has increased.

    Those are just examples of four ways in which bad news (bad for the UK as a whole) can result in a bull stock market. There are several others - can you think of them for yourself?
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  3. Please wait until January 2021.... I'll be sitting on the toilet... as I don't think I'll be able to contain myself.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. You plan your toilet trips very early! I don't worry if I'll even need to go tomorrow! I can see why a Fischer water heater wouldn't suit you when you have everything planned past January 2021! I had about 8 weeks notice of mine being fitted, It didn't clash with a bog trip because I don't plan my visits that far ahead!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. There are some interesting things in West Cork Bogs!

    • Funny Funny x 1
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