Fischer Future Heat

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PerryL, Sep 27, 2020.

  1. This will p1ss certain people off but I'm game for it!

    I have a south facing roof that is perfect for solar. It is south-facing as I am capable of reading a compass and watching the Sun track. No doubt, somebody here will be along to tell me that I am wrong, and you really want to be North facing for solar - or, that it is all a con and solar does not generate any electricity. Anyway Fischer are not misleading me on the track of the Sun, you can be assured.

    When I get some money in, I will fit solar panels and a Fischer battery. This will al power their room heaters. This will mean that I can dump night storage heaters and stop paying over the odds for daytime electricity.

    Another attraction is that Fischer will supply and fit. This will mean that I do not have to get a local eggsbert in to suck in air through their teeth and tell me it is not a straightforward job.

    So , I will add fake solar heating to my fake hot water collection....
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  2. I'd just buy candles... cheap, provide light, provide heat and everyone likes candles...
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  3. Fork Handles?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Or five... no, 4 should do... wait, how big is the house? Dam...Now we need a heating "engineer " @AirCon how many candles?
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  5. If he sends me his address I'll send him some free of "charge"...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. We both know that's crazy talk... you want postage for a start.. and a call out fee.... I wish I was an engineer. .
  7. I can build a house but can't heat it other than setting fire to it ...
  8. No... NO... this would be gratis...
  9. Spanish food? Youve lost me....
  10. potatas gratis
  11. anyhu.... back to the op's question... candles is the answer.
  12. 7 Candles looking at the experts picture :thinkingface:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. Five or four is my cousin
    He’s a solar panel installer
  14. Solar Panels with Phase change Materials is the way to go, albeit a lot more capital intensive than stored hot water.
    I like solar, always had a technical interest in it. Just without the old subsidies the maths doesn't add up to a good investment.
    However I think this is the answer for our electric heating friend...
    Scientists Make Energy-Generating Keyboard That Knows Who’s Typing On It

  15. Disappointing, Nobody has told me that the Fischer Solar Panels are fake, my house is not south-facing, or that night storage heaters are the future. Disappointed.

    Let's change the subject to house prices. They seem to have gone mad (well, madder than normal). Berkeley is very nice because it is not commuter belt. Although it is according to Estate Agents (easy commute to Bristol or Gloucester they tell me (whilst p1ssing themselves laughing).

    This house is nearly half a mill. It has no driveway and virtually no street parking. Double yellow lines stop nearby and there is a disabled space for a neighbour, Plus all of the neighbours have a right of way through your garden to get their bins out for collection. I don't get the "Radio 4" rubbing your hands together with joy when house prices go up. It just means that the next gaf will cost even more.
  16. Houses are bloody cheap in that neck of the woods.....
    Big stimulus on house circa £500K due to the stamp duty holiday until Easter 2021
    Stayed in this one last year... lovely house, just sold £1.1M
    • Useful Useful x 1
  17. And that looks nice with lots of parking, land, and a driveway. But a terraced where you can't even park on the road outside, with no land and no drive for £465k?

    This all startarted because I said that I will help my neighbours (when I get some money) to buy the house that fits onto the back of their semi. The old boy who rented (paid for by DHS) snuffed it the week before last. They were expecting the gaf to be about 100-110k. It has just gone on the market for 150k!
  18. tenor (4).gif
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