So What have you discovered today? Post your amazing discoveries or perhaps, too do’s or not too do’s..? Share your story..
I’ve discovered... When you’ve a bad back and have applied deep heat to the area, although it’s a pain, go wash your hands.. Why? Because it’s not such a good idea to later polish ones Tank turret and barrel with the same hand, that’s Bloody why!.. X
That people are not as polite these days. Walked the dogs in woods yesterday. Found an iPhone 8, immaculate, off the beaten path (well, the dogs did). The owner called and I gave her my address to collect which she duly did. Just a quick thanks and off she went, not a care. If it were me and my £500 phone, I would have bought a bottle of wine or some chocs as a thank you. I half expected a knock this morning but no. Am I turning into a grumpy old git?
You know you did the right thing and that is more important than what anyone else thinks though isnt it. I agree with you though, a small gift would have been the least I would have given.
No mte your not... I will buy you chocolates or give you kiss for free just for being the guy you muchly are.. X Inanongaywayobv...
That flymo mowers llandye hedges and cats don’t mix... When your trimming a 4 ft llandye hedge ensure the neighbours cat is safely indoors ... In cutting said hedge with what I thought was a fine tool selection process a Piece of bow from the hedge dispatched at some velocity and skewered next doors cat.. but don’t fret.... the Flymo is just fine.
You see you expect too much Noods so you set yourself up for disappointment. Expect nothing and then anything more is a bonus. I`d be delighted with a baked camembert and a crusty baguette right now, got the raging cheese munchies.
I’m sorry but you expect toooooo much dsox... Make do with nibbling your finger nails instead... Lol a Muchly X
So what were you doing half inching a slipway? Or do you have a reservoir in your Back garden at ET Manor.. ? X
there was a post on our local faceache page this morning someone posted saying they were 'quite concerned' that an alarm had been going off nearby - when questioned why they didn't bother going to see if someone needed assistance they said 'I didn't have a clue what it was and I assumed someone else would do it - it doesn't sound like a car alarm and its been going for 5 hours' I sincerely hope when their fire alarm goes off everyone in the street ignores it for 5 hours to
Tell you what I did learn the other week.. I often get dusty eyes due to doing a lot of woodwork etc.. Half asleep with sore eyes I reached over for my eye drops and squirted a few drops in my right eye, before I’d even taken the bottle away I realised something was not right. Yes, I’d squirted in some acidic type drops that dissolve ear wax.. God did that sting.. “the should have“ is on the right, “the oh no don’t put that in” Is on the left, at least I think it is it’s just I’m as good as blind in both eyes now! What Ive learnt... To Always read the label and keep one in the bathroom cabinet and not by me bed.. X
Today i discovered that by wearing my Rokker rokkertech slim jeans for the last week and today putting my Rokker revolution jeans on(because it's cold and they are good at keeping it at bay) that they are really baggy or i have lost a shit load of weight, could of swore they weren't that baggy the last time i wore them, i'm going to ask the wife when she gets home from work if my ass looks small in these.