P*ssed Off To The Picos

Discussion in 'Touring' started by Cooperman, Sep 28, 2020.

  1. [​IMG]

    I went for the last Bank Holiday ride out and thought feck, this could be the end of the riding year!

    So I went back home and booked a ferry for a week in Spain. I can't spell Quar..tine...

    This was my morning view.


    And this was my morning pal.


    A 2 month old St Bernard with the run of the hotel del Oso in Cosgaya.

    My week was a mixture of mountains and coasts.









    I think another return is on the cards - but next year.

    It felt great to have escaped this covid crap, although it has got worse back home on my return :(
    • Like Like x 31
  2. Great shots, love your get up and go attitude!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. ‘‘Tis a lovely destination

    Been the 1st week October for the last four years but not this year

    enjoy !
  4. Love the attitude :upyeah:
  5. End of the riding year? Er, no.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Superb! Well done!
  7. Year round here, commuting and hooping on drier days.
  8. Like your attitude. Have a plan to spend more time in Valencia and visit the Spanish tracks during the winter. Kick-off Valencia October 22nd, Jerez November 27th.
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  9. Looks great, good for you. Give us some info on where the pics were and where you’ve been.
    What roads etc.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. I will provide some detail, however the following link gives a flavour of the breadth of opportunity the Picos area provides.

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  11. That looks fantastic, I missed out this year as our trip was in June.
  12. Can't let Covid bollocks put yr life on hold!
    Fight the Power! :poop:
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. If anything Covid is the greatest opportunity and reason to get the hell out of the UK and stop watching tv forever.
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    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. Hell to the yeah!
  15. I hate you ! I should of been there in July. I shall go yet

    Seriously enjoy
  16. Looks to have been a great trip. I hope the 14/15 day self isolation doesn’t drag too much.
  17. Well done! I could really do with a dose of Spanish roads and Sun :cool:
  18. What is this you speak of ;)
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  19. Good on ya! You have me wishing I'd said f*ck it and gone now too!
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