Because you don't have to be perfect with the size, I just need the overall size of the shape, based on that I can shape it and calculate the rest of the angles etc. The principle of winglet (downforce, stability, breaking and less wheelie) requires only the location of both winglets to be on the same exact location on both side of the fairings to work, that is one thing that is not hard to achieve. You can buy the v4r winglets that anyone can, but it's not the same as having the motogp winglets is it? And that you can't buy. Like GP 16 winglets
Hi all, Just a quick update, I've started drawing the base shape for the bottom winglet, Just wanted you guys to see the progress
Update on progress so far with the winglets, design is complete on the upper side and getting printed as I'm typing it now - material used is reinforced carbon
Thanks bud, the parts should be ready by 11am today fully printed, I just need to finish the design on the bottom winglets and print them too simples.. no dims were harmed in the posting of this
That I will test as soon as I install it on the bike, considering superleggera's winglet produce 50kg of downforce at 200mph, this will be in between 20-40 with the bottom winglets also, I will test the difference with or without once installed on the bike as I got two pairs of fairings
They will fit, i needed the overall dims of the winglets from you, but the angle and courve of the bike i took it from my bike, I needed the size of the wings itself Next thing is the location on the panels - i need to calculate the lean angle at 65° of the bike to see the position and and have them not to touch the ground at that angle - that's the max point of grip on the front before you skid )
Well, sorry for not posting the progress, been busy moving houses also.. Partially complete, still need a bit of tinkering, not perfect but there it is Hope you guys like it!
Performance wise so far, Only went up to 95mph but you feel the bike more stable, a bit heavier than before as you can feel the front being pushed down and breaking wise, it feels like an r6 engine break when you release the throttle Can't actually say what downforce it gives but if you feel that already around 90mph then it's doing something
Wow. Worth doing then? I’ve toyed with the idea of wingage.... Wondered if they work or I’d just snap them off in the garage....