848 Burnt Connector? Looks Dangerous To Me

Discussion in '848 / 1098 / 1198' started by kiergrills, Oct 9, 2020.

  1. 43CE9C20-28E8-4E3F-9559-54D96C799B93.jpeg 00345F74-0EA9-4EE2-B747-FF66AFBEE217.jpeg 79627C0D-6103-4359-BF77-41E9E8412EFE.jpeg Hey Guys

    Need a bit of advice please!
    I was out trying to fit a carbon surround for the ignition and dropped a spacer into the fairing so of course I had to remove the right hand side fairing to try find it. While searching I found a connector close to the battery which looks dangerous to me, I have no clue about wiring but I take it the bike is not safe to ride, so any advice is appreciated.

  2. My KTM 990 melted a similar connector next to the battery. Long and short (ha!) of it is chronic cable corrosion and a new wiring loom. 1400 quid including labour, ouch!.
    Seems siting such components where road shite is perfectly channelled eventually leads (oooh!) to replacement after ten years.
    I just made it to the Dealer, but not before it cut out on a motorway exit road....ahhhhh!
    So my advice is, there may be more to it than what you first see.

  3. Thanks for the reply, wow I hope it’s not as bad as you mentioned nearest decent Ducati Mechanic is 200 miles away. I’ll see if I can find any further damage but I have no experience with wiring looms so it’s gonna get messy or expensive by the sounds of it. o_O
  4. That's the alternator output connector. Could be an indication of reg/rec failing.
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  5. Not an unusual occurrence with an older Ducati. The 3 yellow wires are the output from the generator. That connector will be the regulator/rectifier connection which commonly, if the reg/rec fails, melts. Plenty of posts on here for the way forward. Search ‘shindengan’ and 1098R posted by Roberano. Andy
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  6. Read this thread:

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  7. Hey thanks guys I’ll have a read, didn’t know what to search for :upyeah:
  8. #8 AirCon, Oct 9, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2020
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  9. Oh I like them AC, as I've become old and decrepit my soldering skills have deteriorated, these will be a godsend! :upyeah:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. That's already been "repaired" once. The lighter plastic isn't original. Could have been a mismatched part to start with and that's not helped the connection. Always replace in pairs if you can't get the exact matching part.
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  11. yea it definitely looks like two odd connectors. I’ll purchase what Aircon suggested and the battery upgrade cables, I found this one on fleabay it’s what I need correct? Price looks right?

    Thanks again for all the help :upyeah:
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  12. I'd be upgrading to new Pani stylie rec at the same time.
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  13. Not to me......... :eyes:
  14. You sure?
  15. It's just arrived, they are usually instant :thinkingface:
  16. Perfect
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