Hey Guys Need a bit of advice please! I was out trying to fit a carbon surround for the ignition and dropped a spacer into the fairing so of course I had to remove the right hand side fairing to try find it. While searching I found a connector close to the battery which looks dangerous to me, I have no clue about wiring but I take it the bike is not safe to ride, so any advice is appreciated. Cheers
My KTM 990 melted a similar connector next to the battery. Long and short (ha!) of it is chronic cable corrosion and a new wiring loom. 1400 quid including labour, ouch!. Seems siting such components where road shite is perfectly channelled eventually leads (oooh!) to replacement after ten years. I just made it to the Dealer, but not before it cut out on a motorway exit road....ahhhhh! So my advice is, there may be more to it than what you first see.
Thanks for the reply, wow I hope it’s not as bad as you mentioned nearest decent Ducati Mechanic is 200 miles away. I’ll see if I can find any further damage but I have no experience with wiring looms so it’s gonna get messy or expensive by the sounds of it.
Not an unusual occurrence with an older Ducati. The 3 yellow wires are the output from the generator. That connector will be the regulator/rectifier connection which commonly, if the reg/rec fails, melts. Plenty of posts on here for the way forward. Search ‘shindengan’ and 1098R posted by Roberano. Andy
Read this thread: https://www.ducatiforum.co.uk/threa...ator-coil-melted-burnt-connector-block.29647/
Replace connector with these and fit a decent battery upgrade cable kit.... that OEM connector looks awful. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Connector-Connectors-Terminals-Electrical-10Yellow/dp/B01J42Z2DY/
Oh I like them AC, as I've become old and decrepit my soldering skills have deteriorated, these will be a godsend!
That's already been "repaired" once. The lighter plastic isn't original. Could have been a mismatched part to start with and that's not helped the connection. Always replace in pairs if you can't get the exact matching part.
yea it definitely looks like two odd connectors. I’ll purchase what Aircon suggested and the battery upgrade cables, I found this one on fleabay it’s what I need correct? Price looks right? https://www.ebay.com/itm/ES-04-Ducati-Hi-Cap-Electric-Upgrade-Cable-Kit-848-1098-1198-/112007535502 Thanks again for all the help
Yeah, they’ll do the job. @Exige sells them... he replied to the thread a few posts back. Drop him a PM and save the eBay fees
Save 15% here - drop me a PM https://www.ducatiforum.co.uk/threa...-belt-2v-coil-kit-link-forum-discounts.36761/
Re your question, have a look here: https://www.ducatiforum.co.uk/threads/mosfet-regulator-installation.68657/