My Third-world Power Supply

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PerryL, Oct 8, 2020.

  1. Living in the New Forest, twinned with Narnia and Hobbiton, we get fairly regular power outages. It's one of the reasons I wouldn't consider going to a single fuel for the house. We've also got a log burner and plenty of wood and a number of bottled gas cooking appliances so if it all goes massively wrong we'd be OK for a day or two. The worst outage in the past 5 years that I can remember was no more than an hour or two though so I've not seen the need for a generator. Even when someone took out the main supply into the village by driving their 3 series into the pole at around 50 MPH we had power back the same morning, maybe SSE are more attentive than Western Power?
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  2. Perry,

    I can recommend this for your phone base station and router.
    We have two plus a few other types of UPS around the property.

    Further having lived my childhood in the country we purchased two four stroke generators some 20 years ago.
    Apart from our six month regime of starting them up they have only been used twice in anger.
    Being so close to Heathrow means that power cuts are very rare.

    The last power cut and surge destroyed some expensive electrics so we now also have this on the incoming main.
    100A 2 Pole Main Switch Meter Supply Isolator Surge Protector WEC440SP
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  3. I'm giving up with it. Nobody else in Berkeley seems to GAF - they think that it's normal. Western Power don't GAF; the people of Berkeley don't GAF, so I don't GAF. I would move -even to Bolivia - but after the nightmare of moving here and just now after 5 years getting my sh1t sorted out, I am never going through that again.

    One day, I'll have enough cash to move to either Bridgewater or Brecon (it has to begin with 'B' - Bolivia Barnstaple ...), but I really can't be assed!
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. @PerryL do you have me on IGNORE or BLOCK?
    I just tried to help (again).
  5. Here in the sticks power cuts are not infrequent. They mostly seem to be associated with high winds rattling the overhead power lines in the hedgerows. There are fewer when the trees and hedges have been trimmed back from them.
  6. No. I don't even know how to!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. 47853DE5-047F-4EFB-B69A-1DC9C2152A0E.jpeg D3C9A6A0-569B-46B8-9E8D-95D4C495E53E.jpeg

    Get one of these charge it up and it can run 3 things on it for a couple days
    • Useful Useful x 2
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  8. He'd run a 3 bedroom semi for the whole of December on that!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  9. I was in the Co-Op yesterday and happened to mention to one of the staff about the power cut last week. An old dear walking past broke in and told is that this electrikery was the work of the devil. A retired old boy who used to be a scientist at Berkeley Power Station before it closed, tells her she is talking rubbish and the electricity is formed from good science. A Western Power Distribution guy overhears that as he is near the retired nuclear engineer and gets on his mobile. All he says is, "Cut!" - not where or how. The power goes off. The Co-Op assistant is not bothered as they have installed a UPS to get round this frequent occurrence but the fridges and freezers are not covered by the UPS - only the till and emergency lights. "How long is this gonna last for?" asks the Co-Op assistant whilst the old dear who said it was all trickery skips out the shop to go home and light her candles. "How long does your UPS last for?", asks the Western Power guy. "Six hours", replies the Co-Op girl. "seven hours!", replies the Western Power guy with a big smile on his face.

    I made this up. My physio home visit has been cancelled and I should b out gardening!
    #49 PerryL, Oct 12, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2020
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  10. He's making notes on you....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Going back to this gennie idea. I haven't investigated, but I guess that it doesn't matter if the genie is plugged into a different ring, when is the main power is switched off ta the fuse box, I seem to remember all of the rings are connected together at the fuse box (before each main fuse). So, if there is a power cut (stupid: not 'if' but 'when') I can plug in the gennie anywhere to get power all around the house. I just need to be careful to not overload the gennie.
  12. Save yourself a lot of bother just run an extension to the genny from the kettle or router
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Yep, I plug my stuff into an extension lead back to the Gennie.

    If you try putting power in to your ring(???) main and don't isolate from the main supply you risk giving the guy fixing the break in the field a mile away a shock!

    • WTF WTF x 1
  14. But they wouldn't know that it was me!

    And I'm sure that they would see the funny side!!!

    But, I don't wanna be supplying the whole district from my tiny gennie!
    • WTF WTF x 1
  15. [​IMG]
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  16. Joking aside Perry your idea is fully of potentially lethal consequences.
    Unfused circuits, illegal hook up cables and AC Voltage conflict with the national grid (who will win).
    Put your generator outside and run an extension lead to each device you NEED to run.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Or solar panels big change over switch, inverter and a garage full of batteries. Should be ok for a few hours
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  18. The installation of such would involve a professional trade having to endure...., sorry I meant visit and install.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  19. Any competent diy er could do it it’s only a few batteries o_O
    • Funny Funny x 3
  20. When did a bit of capacitance hurt anyone!
    • Funny Funny x 3
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