New To This

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Johan Redelinghuys, Oct 20, 2020.

  1. Hi I am from New Zealand North Island just got back into riding have been riding since 1970 but had a little break.

    Last bike was Suzuki Katana now I'm into a new venture with a 2013 Ducati Multistada 1200

    It the nicest riding bike ive ever ridden got it a year ago and love it

    Lately some problems that make me a bit worried and wondered if I would find any help here.

    My question is: My 2013 Ducati 1200 Multistrada engine error came up bike went OK for a while then all of sudden started choking and I had to stop , I got owed but when the truck came to tow I could start and ride a wee way and back no problem. I ordered a map sensor and changed it then when put the new sensor in the engine error disappeared without engine started. So tested the old again to check and the engine error came up again so thought all good. Put all back rides beautifully but shortly after ride started different error: dss error came up rode for 10kms stopped to take a call, got going again all warnings disappeared bike still performing like a racer lifting in 2nd no sweat and super smooth. I then stop at home DSS ERROR warning back on. Havent ridden again bit worried Illk get stuck nearest dealer is 275 km's away so I need to come up to speed and try and sort these things myself. Anyone with some go get in them got some advise please. i wanna take the wife for a round trip for few days soon but am worried to ride like that - OVER.....
  2. Hi and welcome:upyeah:, i can't help but someone should be along soon.
  3. G’day cobber!
    And welcome to the forum
  4. Welcome to the forum. The experts will be along shortly to offer advice.
  5. Welcome dude, as said electronic jiggery pokery hexperts will be along soon :upyeah:
  6. Welcome :):upyeah:
  7. Hope you find it soon, much owner-traffic on the subject:-

    another from rear sensor loom run where it's tightly tie-wrapped to swingarm:-

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  8. Thanks for the hearty welcome. Have looked at that video thank you for that.Also checked for possible similar issues but none.

    I’ll have to take her for a longer ride just hope we don’t get stranded half way like I did first time. Maybe with original problem not solved. Although since the new map sensor things seem smoother and more responsive. And the warning cane sbd went and came again. But I’m just left with this “new” DSS ERROR. Whatever it stands for. Any going to retire now zzz good night
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Put it in the bin and take a pic we like bins and it keeps me happy :)

    Welcome into our mad house
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Hi and welcome
  11. welcome johan'
  12. Havent ridden again - just wondering if the ERRORS DSS that I am now getting after replacing the map sensor when it was read ENGINE ERROR. Could it be that this ERORRS DSS is just something that needs to be cleared after the fault has been found???
  13. Hi and welcome to the Ducati forum sorry to hear about your issues and hope you get it sorted
  14. Thank you

    I decided to take her for a good around 5o - 60 km run

    Because I am bit worried about getting stuck because I want to take my for a round trip for few days some time

    The Duc went perfectly all the 50 k’s not a hesitation not a backfire misfire nothing at all, it was such a pleasure

    But just had the engine light and the ERROR DSS staring me in the face all the way

    Could it be that there is just an ERROR from the map sensor I replaced that needs to be cleared

    Could it be the acccelerometer that has been mentioned but everything seems to be working with the ohlins and adjustment when I change the riding modes it seems to do its thing


    With the preferred dealer is in Hamilton it actullly makes it about 300 k’s away

    I would like to set myself up as far as I am able to to try and track these kind of faults myself if possible to clear them

    I cannot have a whole Dyno set up here at home etc

    Does anyone know of any systems that blokes like me, who are determined to tinker on the bike themselves to solve the minor problems can use

    And when they get too big to solve I cant make a plan to get it to a dealer

    What is a REXXER or TUNEBOY or are there any other systems available?

    Is there possibly a trick to clear error messages by disconnecting the battery and doing a drain on the battery

    What can I say - hope any of you can give me some sound advice to point me in a reasonably independent from workshop direction
  15. Welcome and enjoy. Sorry can't help, don't own a Mutley.
  17. Will have to look into it thanks - just going to sleep now
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