Motorhome Bodywork Bodge Advice

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Zhed46, Oct 23, 2020.

  1. Totally. I just upset them in two different ways this alone.

    1. I disagreed with the majority that they should ask the council to erect a forest of CCTV cameras outside the pub opposite my house on the flimsy grounds that there might be drug dealing going on because someone saw a slammed Range Rover with blacked out windows there a few times in the summer. I left London to get away from Big Brother and his petty snooping and snitching siblings, not to have more of the same right outside my door.

    2. People were posting pics of sunrises and sunsets, but someone had to escalate things by posting a sunrise taken from an aeroplane at 35,000 ft so I went one better and posted a pic of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation taken from 13.8bn light years. Either nobody got the joke or having smote my enemies and been declared King of the Village they were all awestruck into reverent silence, but that was the end of that o_O

    #21 Zhed46, Oct 23, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2020
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  2. Villages are an enigma. Houses and land are named after a certain previous owner. So if I say I live at number X in road Y nobody is any the wiser. If I say I live in Bill's house backing onto Mrs Johnson's field all is clear. Mrs Johnson died in 1948 and poor Bill also popped his clocks some time ago. The local farmer hates all townies, regardless if you are one but if your weren't brought up round here and are known to the farming community then you are definitely a townie. I overheard a arguement between 2 elderly gentlemen where one argued he classed himself as a Dentonian as he had lived here more than 50 year but the other chap disagreed as the first chaps father was born in Brafield 2 miles away ( or 1 ½ depending which side of the sign in the village ce tee you read )
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  3. i think that damage is the least of your problems, its how much of the body has rot like that and where is the water getting in. i bought a old caravan that had a lot of rot. it was leaking in from a joint on the roof
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Which is why I’m parking that issue for the moment as I want it looked at by a professional because if it’s extensive and/or expensive I’ll be looking to the (business) seller for redress. The only problem is that finding a motorhome repairer who can fit you in before Xmas is next to impossible.
  5. @Zhed46 Try horsebox builders/repairs too. They are not that different as both are adapted vans and lorries. There is one just outside Bishops Stortford so quite close to you. I'll dig out their details tomorrow and send them to you. We bought a trailer from them a couple of years ago and had a quick tour of their workshop where they carried out the conversions.
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  6. Thanks. I’ll do that :upyeah:
  7. There might be guys at boatyards who could do with some work -especially now. A good one could fix that damage with his eyes closed, and rebuild a rotten frame without breaking a sweat.
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  8. I’m also wondering if I could get a carpenter to do the bigger job of stripping out and replacing the rotten wood. I had some work done recently by a guy in the village who only charges £30ph whereas I imagine most specialists would charge double that.
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  9. Doesn't @Mr C know a thing or two about caravans, cushions and dags etc?
  10. Looking at the state of that wood, it's been 4-5 years in the making, I speak from past experience!!
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  11. Wondering if it’s worth buying a damp meter or getting a damp check done to check the whole van and to work out extent of the job in hand before parting with too much £ to fix that localised damage?

    There’s loads of advice on fixing damp and whole host of other useful info on the forum in the link bonkers shared earlier.

    Good luck!
  12. Mate, I hate to piss on your parade but from a legal perspective unless you can prove, in writing, ie a contract, or better still an independent HAB check that it was damp free you're on to plums.

    Just have a go at it yourself, they are not that complicated these old machines. If you can do a basic service on a bike you should be OK. Your first job should be to trace the leak, in my experience they can be tricky to find. There is little point in fixing the damage if you don't stop it at source, it will just happen again. You could hire a joiner, but would they be interested? they might give it a body swerve for several reasons, after they've charged you £40/hr for work they are unlikely to guarantee.

    You could try dedicated MH repair providers, there are plenty about, but they are pricey

    If I were you I would avoid the "fence post" method above. It has the whiff of A & E about it and a subsequent failed insurance claim! Although I would like to hear the recording of the claim with the insurance company...."you poured what in side your campervan and then you did WHAT!?"

    Either way good luck, I really hope any claim you have against the shyster that punted it is resolved. Was it a well known company?
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  13. I don't recall anyone -including me- suggesting pouring anything into the side of the campervan. I'd bet your wife doesn't let you assemble anything that has written instructions based on this example! LOL.
  14. Ha! You'd be surprised what a wife will let me do; not necessarily my wife right enough....

    Dude - you're suggesting that he scorches the interior of an old wooden vehicle and then slathering it in combustible substance !?

    I'm no HSE boffin, engineer or Fireman and I know it's nearly November 5th but its a bit extreme, an easy way to make the old girl go "WOOF!" Maybe with him in it...if you don't like the guy just tell him, there is no need for the Wyle E. Coyote, over complicated cunning plan.

    Me thinks its the kettle calling the teapot differently coloured! I wouldn't let you within a yard of my post.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  15. Bonkers, did you even read what I wrote about hardening/ treating wood? If you didn't, no matter. If you did and this is what you understood its time to drive to Specsavers.

    Now if you are thinking about your fence posts (not camper vans) here's a visual aid. Best to skip to 7mins imo.
    #36 Jez900ie, Oct 24, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2020
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  16. VW campers mate, don't touch the wobble boxes.
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  17. My mates looking to buy a van and have it converted, given him your details...:upyeah:
  18. Thanks mate. Got a fair old waiting list at the moment.. August next year in the end of the queue.

    That said I do have a brand new T6.1 coming for sale in January. It's not going to be cheap though.
  19. I warned him you might be busy...Staycations are on the rise for some reason. :thinkingface:
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