Don't Get It

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PerryL, Oct 26, 2020.

  1. 1) How does he fit in her shoes? Has she got really big feet?
    2) I don't get the racial thing. She's a white brunette to me. Could of been born in Bristol -although she talks with a different kind of 'funny' accent!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. Being colour blind would be a nice aspiration, but until everyone looks at the world that way that view is part of the problem. Try challenging your own unconscious biases, which goes wider than race, as to whether you treat people differently because they are one way or another. Which can get you into dangerous territory in a mad PC world as in some scenarios you should absolutely treat people differently, do they need more support etc or that the outcome will indeed turn out badly.

    Applying prejudice i.e. pre judging the outcome in a situation is a survival trait that has proven very successful so it’s ingrained in our behaviours. We look for patterns, and behave in a way that we think gives the best outcome without even realising it. Then we have the challenge that is confirmation bias where by you look for patterns that confirm your hypothesis and discount the outcomes that do not. The media are particularly bad at reinforcing peoples fears especially when it comes to race. Most racism/ discrimination behaviour is based on preconceived ideas on potential outcome, stop and search, not providing loans, not renting a property etc. H formally known as prince might also be looking for a pattern which he believes fits with racial (or being from Bristol) discrimination due to seeing her being treated by other people differently. It could have nothing to do with colour and just down to her not being very nice; who knows - they’re closer to it to me so I’ll leave that to their judgement.
    • Agree Agree x 3

  3. They’ve got to pay their bills some how haven’t they

    jumping on the bandwagon
  4. We should all live and let live regardless of race, colour or creed.
    Unfortunately there are those amongst us, from al persuasions who are bigoted.
    Until we ALL learn to show some tolerance nothing is going to change soon.
    Also trying to erase or rewrite the past, will not change the facts or history.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. I hate everybody ***

    *** Excepting people on the Ducati Forum
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  6. Meghan's assistant. What a fanny he turned out to be.... : unamused:

    I wish she'd just hurry up and divorce the wet bus ticket....
    • Agree Agree x 2

  7. Yep. The current situation with blm almost comes across at times thanks to our media as anti white or anti English which has rammed an even further divide.

    I’ve never really known racism in the uk toward someone from the black community. However I have been victim to it myself. Things now since the blm eruption seem to have actually made the divide worse in my opinion.

    look at South Africa for example. The racism toward white people is outrageous. But it still happens and nobody gives a fuck.

    What I’m saying is. It’s made things worse
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  8. 100% BLM have undoubtedly fanned the flames of racism.

    And where was BLM’s voice when Nigerian protestors were being slaughtered on the streets of Lagos last week?? Oh that’s right, no one gives a shit when it’s black on black :rolleyes:
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  9. The whole bow down bollocks is a joke aswell

    what exactly am I bowing down for? Because I’m white’ish???

    Get fucked. We are all human.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Have a Nigerian friend and she was fearing for her life last week being near Lagos
    I re posted her fear and 2 of my so called friends said what about white farmers
    She is safe but scared
  11. Before BLM kicked off, I;d see an attractive woman and have a sneaky look and think 'she's nice'.

    Now, I notices if she;'s black, and if so I look away.

    So now I actively DONT look at black people in case they think i'm looking ONLY because they are black.

    Cant see how that has helped raise equality profiles tbh. Its just made me notice colour far more than I have since the 80's.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. I just look upon all humans as being tinted.........just some are lighter than others.
  13. Your so called friends have a point to be honest. The horrendous murders of white farmers in South Africa is quite shocking. And of course hugely under reported by MSM. They don't want to go there.....

    I've read a couple of cases. Very disturbing.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. I saw "Meghan" and "Fanny" and my attention was grabbed!

    Then I saw that you were posting about bus tickets!

    I must start reading things more carefully....
  15. Perhaps I missed something but I don't think anyone is currently trying to erase or rewrite the past. Scumbag slave traders dressed up as pillars of society is rewriting the past. Until recently many people from the past centuries have been upheld as hero's and great men, as their misdeeds were skillfully hidden and deliberately overlooked. At last the public are seeing the myths exposed as the true history of what happened -including some shocking facts- are revealed.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Let me guess.... Nelson Mandela!
  17. The pair of them are completely pointless, nothing they have to say, or do, is of any worth.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  18. Mugabe...?
  19. Finished praying?
    • Funny Funny x 2
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