Interesting you say that because people from Bristol who look like her but self-identify as white often turn out to have some African ancestry. The same is true in the other major slave ports, Liverpool and Cardiff, which also have black communities dating back to the early 18th Century. People within those communities often see themselves as distinct from the later Windrush immigrants, which just shows that groups which look homogeneous to outsiders often have internal divisions. I can’t speak for Bristol and Cardiff but I know that’s the case in Liverpool (I grew up just outside - approx 400m to be precise - so I’m officially a “woolly back” rather than a scouser). It’s not true that BLM have been silent on this issue. There was a demo outside Parliament earlier in the week and others are organised for this weekend elsewhere. The MSM just seems to be ignoring them because it doesn’t fit with the binary black/white narrative and also possibly because to the Press BLM is probably “soooooo last summer” and they have now moved onto the free school meals story.
Ha, yeah! I don’t have an accent anymore as I’ve been down south for over 30 years but my brothers and other members of my family up there still do, and so with all that spittle flying around at family gatherings I was wearing face shields well before Covid struck. PS: you need to edit your post (you probably omitted a square bracket) as you included your reply in the quoted bit.
I tried to be clever and failed miserably, I used to have a girlfriend who was a wooly bach so I have the knowledge of such vagaries like shooting Welsh men with arrows after dusk in Chester
Just wonder what his view on racial bias was wearing these clothes rather than his wife's shoes. Possible that he didn't remember the following morning......
That one always puzzled me because how was a vigilante Chesterman supposed to identify whether his target was welsh or not? If he was close enough to hear the accent then he was probably not going to have time to retrieve, notch and loose an arrow before the Welsh/Not Welsh man rushed him and stuck a dagger under his ribs. Conversely, if he was at archery range then the accent would be inaudible. These sort of questions often preoccupy me
That’s easy. First arrow in strangers leg. If he cries out in Welsh, second arrow aim to kill. If not apologise.
I've seemingly misunderstood your previous post as regards the rewriting of history. Could you point out what parts of history you were/are referring to?
I suspect these vigilante Chestermen were actually the ruling establishment types -prototype Tories- who actually killed their detractors under the guise of them being Welsh. Dead men tell no tales and all that...
There are two problems with that. Firstly, agonised and incoherent cries could easily be mistaken for Welsh. Secondly, if you shot an Englishman in the leg you’d be guilty of s.18 GBH or whatever the medieval equivalent was. And back then there was none of this namby pamby community order with a requirement to attend a “thinking skills” course business, you’d be dunked head first in boiling oil or something equally gruesome.
Always looking for problems some people Ok, just shoot the first arrow into the ground nearby to get their attention. While loading the second arrow, shout ‘are you Welsh’ It would be impossible nowadays anyway, whatever you did someone would be offended.
And the likelihood of him admitting that to a man who is shooting arrows at him is how high? You’d defo also have to check they’re a man rather than a (Welsh)woman
Are you saying the Welsh are dishonest That would involve getting close though, and they’ve got a knife. It’s not easy is it, this law making stuff.
T’was ever thus. The Lord was safely ensconced in his manor house while the poor and hungry fellas on the battlements had to grapple with the problems of how to shoot other poor and hungry people outside the city walls simply because they were a bit different Now, if only they’d realised they had more in common than they differed and that they had a common enemy who was setting them against each other for their own ends.....?