What film/s have you started to watch and either walked out of or turned off? I’ll start with my 2 stand out films. Starship Trooper Fast and Furious
I sat down to watch Frozen with the kids thinking it would be a comedy animated film like Toy story, as soon as the singing started that was it, me and the kids switched it off!
The F&Fs are good fun if you just switch your brain off & wanna look at cool cars & mad chases for 2 hours. The last 3 Star Wars (7-9) basically undid my childhood
I liked the first 3 Star War releases then only Rogue One and Solo, I do however like the Mandolorian story.
SW spoilers below: 4-6 were popcorn Star Wars but they didn’t damage the franchise storyline. 7-9 basically rewrote it. Luke Skywalker? Yeah he’s a deadbeat now, Han? Yeah the only real relationship in the saga ultimately failed & their son ends up killing him? Leia? Yeah let’s give her force powers & then never use them apart from one floating through space Disney princess moment & the killer blow: The Emperor, the ultimate evil that the whole damn thing was about? He’s not really dead & he’s the new “heroines” Dad FFS!!! The scars run very deep... Agree about Rogue One though & the Mandalorian is a very well done spin off.
It’s to the left of the laughing emoji, easily hit instead of a little like the nuke emoji which can be hit if you’re on an iPad and scrolling through.
Last weekend i think?,i watched that Jason Bourne movie,not a patch on the previous ones,Tommey Lee Jones normally brings high volume decibels but not this time.
Agree with Star Wars. Episode 4,5&6 (the first ones) were the best. Rogue one was good but I only thought that after watching it the second time. Solo started very slowly. Unfortunately Disney got hold of the franchise and “ Disney’d“ it. I was expecting to see R2D2 with Mickey Mouse ears at one point!