Must Find Another Bike.

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Arquebus, Nov 1, 2020.

  1. Got bad withdrawal symptoms.

    Something lightweight like a Yamaha 2 Stroke 200+cc.....YR5, YDS7, RD (not LC).

    I don't have the strength for heavy bikes any more.

    Working runner which needs improvement / fiddling around with etc.

    Something around £2K would be ideal.

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  2. Nice one Al :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Sadly I think you might be right.
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  4. Cheers Sev,

    Don't want a dirt bike of any legs were always too short and they haven't got any longer.
    The Suzuki looks interesting (apart from some of the seller's comments) but again I think the final bid will exceed what I want to spend.
    Don't really want a 4 stroke.....even if it has got an electric start (although I admit I had been considering a Guzzi V35 Imola).

    Must go for a light weight 2 stroke between 200 and 400cc I think......easier to kick start for me.....I have lost so much strength my legs are blind and my eyes are weak........:)
  5. if you can find one how about a benelli 250 2c great little bikes really easy to work on etc
    and great looking machines but admit i am a bit biased lol
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  6. How about an MZ 250 ?

    Surely they’re still cheap, pretty robust and tuneable.
  7. Even MZ's ?


    Couple of friends and I used to race one years ago ( I didn't ride, but had fun tuning the engine ).

    Going to have a look later, still have a couple of 'tuned' engines in my shed.
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  8. Here's another GT250A
  9. Ha! Thanks for all the comments and replies.....I am currently considering many options including a fairly immaculate single cylinder Villers engined 1957 trials bike, good runner.....exceeds my budget unless I can get the price down.

    Am I being daft?
  10. Go for it Al there has to be something nice to keep life interesting :)
  11. Checking out the seat height......trying to keep the dealer interested enough to get a sale, so he drops his price a bit.
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  12. Fingers crossed
  13. Yes, I know I said I didn't want a dirt bike, but this one is rather nice.
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