Yesterday after returning from a trip, I tried to remove the panniers, both were stuck, the RH one more than the other and in my attempt to remove it, the latch further back made a horrible cracking noise and now the tab on the pannier it's self is loose... Are they always this horrible? I remember the 1200 being terrible to unhook as well. I'm going to try and get the RH one replaced under warranty as it's just a bitch to remove and it's likely damaged.
Called Ducati, they will replace the broken part on the pannier under warranty. I did move them straight back, it just catches slightly, then all hell breaks loose lol. I think I'll empty them as much as possible before removing in future.
There's is a nack to getting them off. Small bits of grit in and don't help. The right side is more troublesome. Shouldn't break tho.
They are a pain to get off. I found that with mine and it's worse when they're full to keep them straight. I'll try the WD-40 idea. I haven't broken mine but I can see how easily it might happen.
Strangely enough, during a recent trip to the Yorkshire Dales with a couple of Mutli pals, my LHS pannier was a real sod the get off or on easily and it too made a cracking noise. There doesn't look to be any damage though and I liberally sprayed WD40 into the mounting sockets, to see if that might help remove any grit and dirt deposited during a pretty wet and particularly filthy trip. I haven't been able to check to see if that has worked yet, as my bike went into Riders, Bristol in mid-October and wasn't quite sorted prior to the recent lock-down, so it remains in storage!
I keep my catches well lubed up so do not have issues fortunately. They are silky smooth on and off. If anything I have to really check, they are properly locked in place.