So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Just got back from Poole bike night. Quite a few Ducatis there, the majority being multistoodles, and a 620 trike! Absolutely heaving by 1815, with more and more bikes arriving.

    Nice blast back to Salisbury, but unfortunately one of my mates caught me at some lights to say that another mate in their group had come off on the way there.

    Thats 2 mates in 3 days down. Tonight's is walking, the other not so lucky. As he was overtaking a car it decided to turn right. Currently in icu, Broken nearly every major bone apart from his skull and pelvis. First, of what I think will be many operations today.

    Makes you think why it's worth riding on the road.
  2. Feck GWs to your mate.

    Did a lycra tour of the Meon Valley myself, only 15 miles but loads of elevation - all seemed uphill! And not been n road for few months and it showed...
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  3. Please tell me that the tortoise isn't called squishy :rolleyes:
  4. Is that a leopard tortoise?
  5. Rode over the mountain three times this morning, getting progressively quicker. Planned to do three more runs this afternoon, trying to get up to something approaching an acceptable pace, but then the mountain road was closed for the rest of the day - major oil spill on track, apparently. All too common an occurrence. So spent a delightful hour hooning around empty country roads in the NE and SE of the island, away from the TT course. Due to watch from Ballaugh Bridge tomorrow.
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  6. No, just a stripey sock!
  7. Oh nooo :(
    Get well soon to both mates
  8. I had a tortoise just like that a long time ago........I called him Helmut...........he wasn't German, he just looked like a helmet.
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  9. Matt - so sorry to hear about your mates

    Tortoise is indeed a Leopard - bit of a pain as they don't hibernate (his names Tortie) the bikes Squishy :wink:
  10. They make great pets, though. Really low maintenance compared with dogs, cats, etc.

    no 1 has a Sulcata, which is in the same species set at the leopard and doesn't hibernate. Has your leopard started digging yet? The sulcata is supposed to, but has yet to try for a burrow (allegedly, they can dig pretty deep). No 2 has a herman's which does want to hibernate, but is too unwell to allow (can't put enough weight on to be able to make it through a full hibernation).
  11. that's really sad news Matt
    #6291 Chris, Jun 5, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2013
  12. Very sorryto hear that but for me it reinforces the rule that you just don't overtake when approaching junctions.
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  13. Survived my first day of 5:2 fast diet. Not as bad as anticipated but was in a good strong frame of mind for it.
    Think the key is to keep busy, remember it's 'only a day' (actually 12hrs at most) and the only thing to lose is weight (and maybe my marbles!)
  14. Today I have emptied the bins and put the bags out. Cut some more of my hedge. Laid about four metres of natural stone blocks atop my wall. Then went to work, fixed two punctures, re laced and trued a mountain bike wheel, sorted out a pair of vee brakes and installed a bike computer. Installed two new blades and set them up in my hand power planer. Oh and put the washing on.

    Afternoon might be easier, then pedalling tonight.
  15. Ill look when I get back later , left him munching on the fig tree - his favourite shortly followed by the grape vine
  16. I have, about three hours ago, caught my hand on a 6mm rusty iron blunt ended hook..........right at the top of the ball of the went in at least 15mm and tore a big triangular flap.........which opens up each time I open my thumb.**dy hell........did it hurt? Yep.

    I think it hit the bone as well...

    Plenty of Dettol and a steralised handkerchief as a bandage and its just aching slightly least I can move it.........

    Now waiting to see if my jaw starts to get stiff.....

    That's all I will need on top of the car requiring breakdown service gone midnight this morning!

  17. I'd really rather you hadn't:mad:
  18. Up to my knees in Moto Guzzi bits trying to find an oil leak on the Le Mans. It's looking good to be honest; no oil in the airbox or round the base/head gaskets, non-return valve ok - it looks like an oil feed pipe is leaking slightly. I've nipped it up and cleaned all the oil off the engine, and I'll run it for a couple of weekends before checking again. Good news for a change:upyeah:
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  19. They do you know..............are the bl**dy rubber ones?

    Get some braided ones knocked up.....

  20. Both braided, so I think it's probably a dodgy washer or gasket.
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