Ban on new petrol and diesel cars in UK from 2030 under PM's green plan Petrol motorbikes will be ok then?
cool, that should see me through to retirement. oh, hang on, trojo said it. is it worth pointing out that his super duper new green deal has a lower budget than what has been given to his cronies in the PPE scandal already.
Boris is a complete nob. Does he sit in Downing St with a sketch pad and crayons and think these things up?
It's not a "ban" though is it, they just can't sell any more. Can you buy one from France and import it?
A ban on new car sales, yes. Could still just buy a used, or I’m sure dealerships will have a substantial pre-reg fleet of cars lined up. New motorbikes seem to be exempt from the ban for now
Less than 10 years to build the infrastructure and solve the ‘charge at home in the city’ problem. Where will all the duty missing from fuel be collected from?
The BBC report "Critics of the plan say the £4bn allocated is far too small for the scale of the challenge. The total amount of new money announced in the package is a 25th of the projected £100bn cost of high-speed rail, HS2."
A nice l/h drive car from France or Germany?? I think the EU ban is a similar time scale anyway. In all honesty who is going to invest £30k plus in a new car after say 3-4 years from now, that will be worthless in 6-7 years later? It does have to happen but we need to invest in our public transport infrastructure first and not more cars and more roads.
And that’s not to mention the scandal of the billions plugged into HS2! It went £80,000,000.00 over budget within the first 2 months of work starting! Chief clown Boris and his clan of liars will bankrupt this country!
Well this is one way -
Fuel tax will be removed. Expect tolls and a huge hike in motoring costs. This might happen before UK goes all electric. It will be used as the excuse though for lost revenue in the interim. 2030? Laughable. People are still without fibre broadband and the UK consistently fails to invest enough money in infrastructure. Try 2040.
The government are already talking about charging motorists to use the roads as they’ve lost so much revenue from tax free vehicles and ev’s etc. they’ll get you some how! I’ll be extremely surprised if the future is electric though.
The song remains the same. No thoughts of taxing large corporations and higher earners to make up shortfalls. Low earners in rural areas will once again be hit hardest.
It's to facilitate more grants & perks for the rich no doubt. Whilst penalizing the working class via high & higher fuel costs. Up until they incorporate breathing into a taxable category.
Where will you get the fuel from to run it? Petrol stations are a commercial business, they make very little on it now. As the roll out of electric cars increases there will be fewer and fewer of them. I would hazard a guess that petrol and diesel powered vehicles will be banned from many town and city cntres long before 2030, some cities are already doing it.