Ban On New Petrol And Diesel Cars In Uk From 2030

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Nov 18, 2020.

  1. Nah, that's ages away.
    Where would lorries get their diesel?
  2. Worthless in 6-7 years as opposed to depreciating by £25k in that time? Not exactly a massive change from now then!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Someone is still going to want to hoon around in aN I6 M3 or whatever out in the country, you can name your price when there won’t ever be any more made
  4. They won't be running on diesel. One of my clients is working with developing an electric dustcart.

    Currently it cannot quite last the whole day but its nearly there.
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  5. Rush wrote a good song about this.
    Red Barcheta. if you fancy a wee interlude.
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  6. I see we are now being drip fed this narrative via the media so we get used to it before a formal announcement, so its either increased ANPR to see where you have been, or a device in each vehicle which tracks your travel and whereabouts, and presumably your speed, and then other possible traffic violations...........

    Soon won't be any point in getting anything faster than one of these.

    Mr Bimble
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  7. Dovi needed that this year.
  8. Don’t forget, they only track us for our own safety

  9. Why would it be worthless? It’s not a ban on using petrol cars just selling new cars. I think some used petrol cars will go up in value like
    The last 6 cylinder 911 cars.

    I can’t see the DVLA allowing new registrations of what is going to obviously be a new Petrol car.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Just buy a white van, stick a couple of rocking chairs in the back, a telly, few bottles of wine....jez you could live in it.
  11. Before we go totally electric,
    1 - there needs to be sufficient charging points to meet demands.
    2 - fast charging batteries, I don’t think any of us will be happy with 2 cars in front both requiring 30 - 45 minutes to charge up.
    3 - cars need to be affordable and batteries need to have a meaningful lifespan and be able to be recycled.
    4 - and no doubt once we are all electric VED will go up to compensate for revenue lost from fossil fuel powered vehicles.
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  12. electric. would yah?
  13. Anyone who has their location services switched on on their smartphone is already being tracked.

    being paranoid about it happening in the future is ignoring what’s already happening.
  14. Fuck that, when we get to Oz we’re getting one of these!

    • Like Like x 4
  15. The UK government, and indeed all governments from the western part of the globe, will all have to start hitting EV divers harder and combustion engine driver harder still.

    It's too much tax revenue they're missing on already by encouraging business drivers into hybrids or full on ev's, massive amounts really simply on BIK taxes let alone anything else.

    Couple that with the unfathomable amount of money spent on their covid plans* and the restrictions imposed by them regards travel, they've also lost many multiples of millions of miles that haven't been driven and so haven't collected the tax they'd normally get on the fuel.

    Electric vehicles are too expensive for the majority, the charging infrastructure isn't there unless you can use Tesla points (even they're well spaced out) and it just feels like a stop gap at the moment, almost a bit li the 'mini disc' prior to digital distribution of music,

    The proposal to charge people per mile will only work if you're tracking people in their cars. Which means a privacy issue and then the Govs ability to quickly work out if you've broken Speed limits and issue fines quickly and effectively.

    * the word 'plans' is being loosely used in the above post as we all know that most governments haven't had one
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  16. Oh don't worry, they'll get their bit. There'll be a duty charge from a designated power point in your home. Easy technology.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. Ha ha, and you think Covid hasn't?? Stay tuned....
  18. Don't mind a bit of Rush, Finm :upyeah: See, I knew we'd have something in common. Apart from Doocardi's.
  19. I hope you're right :):upyeah:
  20. takeaway the decade of intense politics that i have possibly to much invested in that's hard to avoid these days, we have plenty in common. i can be a right (not wing) cocky arrogant fecker at times too.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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