That's different, you said you know people that can prove Apple / Samsung device don't actually 'switch off' settings when you think they have. I'd like to see evidence of that.
when i lived in the city i went a good while without a car. it was more of a hassel than a necessity. but the lad has taking to talking about getting his provisional next year non stop getting a bike and a car the year after that. noob, get out of allans account...
I'd just like to see something that proves the settings thing, anyone can say 'I know someone that says it's fact'.
My understanding is that you can virtually always be tracked if the device is active but whoever is doing so needs a warrant to do so (if we are talking mainstream and legally speaking).
Agreed, but if you turn off location services on your phone it should then be off, ie it doesn't store the data. They can still track it from the mobile signal but that's different and out of the control of the device manufacturer.
I said its possible, with the right equipment, to scan any mobile phone regardless of what the settings are.
With covid making death illegal, we’ll all be around for many years to come yet. Average age will soon be 94... But in all seriousness, the public transport infrastructure and/or rural transportation system (incl self drive taxi schemes) will need to massively change. 1 bus every few days isn’t suitable. Post offices closing. BA now closing. All online. Or have we stumbled on the real realm for covid lockdown...get people used to it then we can all stay out and live in isolation (where’s my tin foil hat...)
You said Apple and co were taking data they had no legal right to. Is that slander? And govt have to also comply with the law. The brexit law challenges gave that a clear whack when they tried not to.
Wasn't Apple in the dodo a couple of years back for not telling people that their iPhones were recording their tracks and sending the info back to base. And if smart phones are safe, why isn't the president of the USA allowed to carry one ?
Not to mention the 20 odd extra nuclear power stations required to satisfy demand. Think about it. Apparently we have to import juice from France during peak times or if we lose a sub station. So what’s it going to be like when every household is hooking up to a charger every day? At the moment the internal combustion engine creates the energy (fossil fuel) to cart us all about. That’s an enormous amount of energy. All part of the big reset. Err, I mean Covid...
Genuine question. Do the battery go flat if you don't use them? So do they need to stay on trickle charger? Also, anyone done the math(s) on pence per mile for electric v fossil fuels?