Great intro hiho hiho it’s off to put up rubbish pictures we go it’s a newbie rule to post your bins and it keeps me happy Welcome into our mad house
Red, think it as one of the early 900s. Can't imagine what it handled like, probably pretty awful. Tried to look for a picture but gave up, not even sure if I have one, can't recall quite how long ago it was either.
Hi Ducbird thanks to you and actually everybody here for a great welcome. The bike is to be moved from the front of the house to the rear, the garden rubbish bin was sitting next to it for ages, but was moved recently, I'll tell you what ( like this is really enthralling and you care! ), tomorrow I'll put the brown bin back take some fotos and post them asap!! I'll even get some of Frodo for Gandalf lol!!
This whole mullarkey of getting pictures up can or is usually a nightmare for me but I'm hopeful, maybe easier doing it on my fone, got to overcome this hurdle, first create a new album and add photos to that. Then I can upload photos from there into this post, I'm guessing try tomorrow cheers
you have bike and bins in the same pic. so aye, that worked. you also have weeds. lots of em. everywhere.
hey that’s not fair,....there are some flowers etc., but that’s brilliant cheers thanks a lot and so easy!!
Ye see guys what we’re tryin to achieve here is a more naturalistic look,...I think! .... and also I just do what am tell’t lol!!
Welcome. Nice bins in the background, bike's not too bad either. Bins are not a tradition they are the foundations of our culture. Imagine a world without bins! A wasteland of litter and unwanted detritus. A shimmering mass of unwanted filth. A cornucopia of desolation. Just saying. Off now, nurse calling.