So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Todays lunch was in an Aldi car park. Living the dream Ma
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  2. More swimming at lunchtime.

    Yep. Much slower without the wetsuit, although it feels as if I am swimming better each time. Clearly I need swimming lessons.

    Sun has come out here, I mean it's a really nice day, warm with no cloud or wind - definitely the best day this year, a proper summer's day. An ice cream day.
  3. Met the wife in Hitchin to pick up an old cupboard and took it home. What better way to get the Multi out this afternoon for a little blast, then this evening it`s Bike night at The Orange Tree in Hitchin ! Will be a good turnout in this sunshine, if anyone goes there might be two PP`s there tonight, the tall bloke with big ears is not me :smile:
  4. interesting day, had my van remapped by my local garage, holy crap, ive been grining all day, seriously now goes like the clappers, astonished that a remap can make such a difference, truly impressed, then popped into plymouth gin distillery to fix some stuff, and a nose round, interesting place, then on to plymouth albion rugby club, long time customer of mine
  5. Just back from run to Hawes on 1100 MTS that I sold my Guzzi Griso for. Stopped me crying in my beer, fantastic bike. S model a d the Ohlins is sublime
  6. I took my Griso replacement out tonight, too. Proper fun. Even better is that I didn't have to wring the oil out of my jeans afterwards:upyeah:

    Ok, I may have to mop the shed floor tomorrow, but none of it hit me, and that's what counts :biggrin:
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  7. Frustrating run up to Loomies this evening. Race control had somehow managed to place traffic at just about every fun part of the route.

    Once at Loomies I met up with Chris (nice 900 Monnie mate! :smile:) for an extraordinarily good chat about all sorts of stuff and then Paul (Bradders) on his thumpa-thumpa for some more great chat.

    The ride home was fun, I suddenly realised that I haven't ridden in the dark for a long time. The roads were mercifully clear so I experienced the sensation of being able to string together some decent corners and such - been ages since I've had a clear run.

    All in all, an excellent end to the day :upyeah:
  8. Im working nights, i went to sleep all day, woke up and here i am again....oooohhh joy :frown:
  9. Watched TT races from Ballaugh Bridge.

    A platform in the garden of the private house opposite the Raven gave an absolutely perfect view of the racing, really could not possibly be better. And the lady of the house provided a superb lunch during the interval. Add in the perfect weather and exciting racing for one of the best days ever.

    One of my friends, Steve B, snapped a chain on the way up so he parked his 888 and came pillion with me to Ballaugh. Fitted a spring link on the way back to get the bike going, will fix properly tomorrow.
  10. wasn't a junction. Woman stopped at the side of the road as she'd taken a wrong turn. Tried to turn round but didn't check or indicate. Mate has broken 21 bones, all his fingers apart from one thumb, both elbows and wrists, shoulder blade, ankle. Don't know about knee yet as swelling is still to much and pelvis severely bruised. Gong to be out of action for quite a while.
  11. Well it looks like I won't be riding for a while..........Off to A&E in the morning to get this hole and tear in my hand stitched up....

    Its right where my hand would close around the handgrip of the left clip-on, so any movement or bump........

    ...and what's worse, is that I know the injection they give me to numb it, will hurt a bl**dy sight worse than it did when I first did it this morning....
  12. Ouch:eek:

    I had the dubious pleasure of watching my brother fly over the roof of a car that had suddenly swung round in the road without indicating. Thankfully his injuries were light, but it didn't do my old ticker much good...
  13. Just sliced the top of my thumb off opening bloody corned beef!!! Rahhhhh
    It won't stop bleeding half hour later
  14. Oh blimey hope your ok Al
  15. That's what you get for eating the stuff they scrape from the treads of their wellies when they finish their shift in the abattoir.
  16. Ewww
    It's ok the kids have it for sandwiches
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  17. Nowt wrong with corned beef.

    And I admit to really liking Spam. It's got a flavour all its own.
  18. Thank god for that. I'd hate for anything else to taste of spam. Urgh.

  19. The hole in my hand sort of looked like spam..........................hardly bled......
  20. I once cut into the palm of my hand, below the little finger, with a stanley blade. Cut was an inch long and at least a quarter-inch deep ... it didn't bleed at all. I just pinched the wound closed and avoided re-opening the wound for a few days. Weird.
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