Custodial, no doubt. Fanned by hysterical drivel, "Drove the wrong way up the MI" etc.. Well, it is a bike, innit!
Yeah, he’ll be taking a toothbrush to court. Someone should tell him about track days. You can’t get away with that shit on the roads.
Not convinced 180mph is fast enough to bag the M25 lap record. Hopefully he'll put a bit more prep into his next attempt. I mean, you wouldn't see Guy Martin stopping for fuel.
A gold badge? Takes either a lot of balls or shit load of angle dust Imaging having to be the emergency services called out to pick that up from the road surface.
At 180 in shorts and t shirt there wouldn’t be an awful lot to pick up. More hose down and sponge really
The bloke is a cocks**ker! Massive speeding followed by riding into the services against the traffic (entering through the exit lanes). No clue whatsoever. Jail for at least six months.
Shorts and tee shirt never made him fall off nor killed or injured him. As far as protective clothing is concerned he was wearing a helmet, as required by the law, and who else has the right to preach any other clothing?
All jokes aside. It does seem to be a roll of a dice in terms of what one could expect for such an action. I've heard and known of people get jailed for less than this. I've also known people get off seemingly 'Scot free' for similar speeds. A guy in the No Limits paddock who's pretty well known and I'll leave nameless got pinged at over 160 earlier this year and got absolutely nothing for it. Somehow.
Just about sums up what’s wrong with our justice system, when you can go to prison for not paying council tax.
What's worse is people like the crew that stole my car, poisoned the dog, broke in to my home etc. They caught them (eventually). They attributed 17 (yes SEVENTEEN) similar crimes to one individual in particular and he got.... wait for it.... £120 fine and a suspended 6 month sentence.
Wait & see its not decided yet... "At Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court he pleaded guilty to offences including dangerous driving and is due to be sentenced in January."
Hang on a minute here! The BBC has said that he was doing 180, what is the evidence? What speed was he clocked at? Did the cops get him on a device at that speed? We all know what lies the media tells.
Agree with your comments on freedom of choice. However it’s idiots like this that will encourage government, to enforce additional rules on what we wear on our bikes. Already in Europe they are pushing through legislation, for bikers to wear CE approved clothing and footwear.
Really, I am in Europe, we don't even have MOTs on bike here. Would you care to share the source for that statement?
I agree. I spend a lot of time in Europe and can’t see that happening (or at very least even remotely being enforced). imagine trying to enforce that in Italy haha!