there was discussion within EU reported last year that all bikers would have to wear some kind of kit, more than just a helmet. Good luck getting the Greeks and Italians to ride in a jacket, gloves, trousers and boots all CE marked!
Thank you for that. Funny how a discussion can end up being a fact. I had a discussion about bringing back hanging in the UK with my mate once, should I start a rumour?
Is this some sort of "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" or "Spot the Ball" competition? Or does the winner get to decide the sentence?
And as he has a Romanian(?) name the Daily Mail will reference his immigration status, how many children he has and (obviously) the value of the house he lives in.
My money is on ‘warrant for his arrest’ after he jumps in an empty dingy left lying around on Dover beach and heads across the Channel.
The only problem with that is post-Jan 1st European Arrest Warrants won't have any effect because AFAIK, the UK is taking the usual "cut nose off to spite face" approach that has been a feature of Brexit and is withdrawing from the scheme (DOH!)
Yey........ its a small story about a fooking idiot putting others at risk with a lethal weapon and has been caught......but lets make it racist and about brexit!
Eh? You seem to be assuming he is on benefits (he may be but you shouldn't assume). Plenty of Romanians are grafters.