Why not make it about Brexit? After all, it is such an amazing idea, it'll be a tremendous success and we are only 6 weeks away from reaching those sovereignty-soaked sunlit uplands! Surely, it should be pretty much the only thing anyone is talking about, but rather than looking forward to it like an 8 year old on Xmas Eve, Leavers seem oddly reluctant to discuss it nowadays.
i’m hearing he’s got the maximum sentence a Court can hand out .. Life.. That’s a lifetime Millwall season ticket, forced to attend without any exceptions.. Apparently he was riding a new Ducati V4S and just as he passed the services he got a message from Ducati saying immediate recall required so thought he’d better back it up to services and await assistance .... The assistance arrived in seconds apparently X
I don’t think he should go to prison but it’s a case where we can take back control and deport him. he will no doubt deploy the Alex Ferguson “skits” defence
I know you’re not serious but that could be a reasonable punishment and one that would apply in many countries around the world: a crime that requires prison means deportation. Saves the taxpayer tens of thousands in jail costs for the want of a £200!flight
I am serious. Got to make the most of what is otherwise going to be an almighty clusterfluck It’s ridiculous to send people to jail for traffic offences where no one got hurt
It already is. Where a foreign national who is sentenced to between 12 months and 4 years in prison there is discretion to deport, and if 4 years or over deportation is automatic
How many are deported, any idea? edit: a reasonable number but falling. https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac....ortation-and-voluntary-departure-from-the-uk/
No one suggested it did, and no one suggested he was obliged to wear anything other than the helmet. If you climb off your soapbox and go and take a look you'll see I was responding to a point about the emergency services picking up the pieces, I think if he came off at 180 in shorts and a T shirt it would be a sponge and hose job rather than pieces to pick up.
That’s a fair point tbh... For placing him there might endanger the animals who reside there... “ West Ham THE Cockney boys RULE”.. X
My limited understanding was the sentence is served then deportation or there is an option for the convicted to serve some of the sentence here and then opt to serve the balance in the country they are a citizen in, is this not the case?
He should have said covid affected his judgement , works for the people in charge , but as he is guilty , Death by a thousand cuts .
It would still appear in the stats as a Covid death. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www....d-falling-10ft-ladder-killed-coronavirus.html @Alan williams
I’be not done mainstream sex drugs and violence crime for a while so tbh I can’t remember. In fact although there must have been many more, the only client I can remember getting deported was a Libyan “burglar”, and it was extremely unfair, which is probably why it’s stuck in my head. It was during the Arab Spring uprisings and after David Cameron called on Libyans to overthrow Col Gaddafi they started to protest outside the Libyan Embassy. My guy and a bunch of his mates went one better and they rushed the building, got inside, made their way to the roof, took down the regime’s flag and replaced it with the new “Free Libyan State” one, after which they were arrested and charged with burglary (non-domestic). Nobody was hurt and the only thing stolen was the flag of an oppressive regime. None of this moved the judge who gave him 18 months immediate custody and ordered him to be deported (I'd been expecting a community order!) It appears to have happened twice but I can’t recall which one led to the case I was referring to. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-12532793 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-12756518