New Sc1000

Discussion in 'Sport Classic' started by spartanheed, Nov 2, 2020.

  1. Picked up a new sport classic last week. Plan is to sell the termi and replace it with a zard exhaust. I've got some ST3 clips ons on the way and I'd like an open clutch and a fleda tail light too

    01995D95-74A8-4BB1-9EFC-39D6F2FB4EFD.jpeg BD0DB999-12DE-433C-BDAF-AB2ADB679A19.jpeg
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  2. Have you had a few runs on it yet?
  3. A cool looking motorcycle especially in that all black coachworks.:upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Just a blast to the coast last weekend. First thing I did when I got home was buy some higher clip ons! I was crippled !
  5. Yep they aint the most comfy of bikes lol, you want to finish the torture by fitting higher rearsets .
  6. Anyone selling a Zard exhaust before I buy one from Italy?

    Also, what are the vat rules on EU imports? Will I need to pay 20% on top of the purchase price when it arrives in the uk?
  7. You won’t pay anything more than you paid at point of purchase if within the EU.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. So long as you buy it and get it here before December 31st. But if a deal gets agreed you might well be ok after that date, we’ll have to see.

    if I were you I’d buy it straight away and then you know you’re ok.
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  9. Don't like the mudguard finish mis-match.
  10. Thanks!

    it's getting swapped for a fleda
  11. coolio..........:upyeah:
  12. Bikes pretty much done now.


    Just added a new dry clutch pressure plate too

    • Like Like x 3
  13. New clutch cover


    Managed one ride this Summer and the fuel line started leaking Hopefully get new lines on tomorrow and get it out again
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  14. Hi, what is your clip-on solution there. I tried a SC recently and wow the bars were just too low.

  15. At the top of the thread he stated he’d got ST3 clip ons incoming.
  16. Ah so he did! Good to know.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  17. Yes, the ST3 clip ons made all the difference. They fit the standard brake and clutch lines too with a bit of tweaking
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  18. Is there much of a difference from the ST3 clip ons to the later sport classic clip ons, I think from 2006 to 2008 there was 20mm difference from the two types, might replace mine to ST3 if it’s a higher rise
  19. Hello.
    You may have already looked into import charges for bike parts from Italy (EU), but if not the following might help.
    I am just finalising purchase of some Ducati parts direct from Italy to UK, which has been problematic. So in my case the goods are exported from Italy, and imported into UK.
    It seems the following is the case for motorcycle parts brought through this route.
    Under the terms of “The EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA)” arrangements, if the consignment value of the goods is less than £135 (€150), VAT is paid in Italy (EU) and there should be no additional customs duty or carrier charge for brokerage, unless they impose a handling charge, but that should be small.
    If the consignment value is greater than £135, VAT should not be charged in Italy (EU) and should be paid on the cost of goods, shipping charges, plus customs duty, at 20% import VAT with a carrier brokerage fee of between £8 - £12.
    The customs duty is not easy to calculate if needed, but the UK Government provide a commodity code look-up at: . If you search there is a Motorcycle commodity code that can be expanded depending on the precise parts: .
    However, customs charges should not be applied to products of EU origin, due to the ‘rules of origin’ agreement between the UK and the EU. This means that orders are customs duty exempt if products have been largely produced and manufactured in the EU, and the seller can help by making this declaration on the invoice.
    So, if you wish to buy from an EU supplier, who is prepared to export to the UK, and you know the necessary additional charges, goods may still be purchased from the EU countries. However, if the goods are over the £135/€150 limit, it is advisable to ask the supplier not to apply local VAT to the order, and to declare manufacture in the EU, to minimise total costs payable when the goods arrive in the UK.
    Another option, would be to separate the purchases into parts bought separately, if the consignment cost of each can be kept below the €150 limit.
    I'm sorry if this is long-winded, but it is not straightforward, and its easy to incur charges that should not be made if you exercise care. Also, the carrier charge estimates cannot always be relied on, and should always be checked before payment is made.
    This Which link is quite informative: .
    If you know about this already, I apologise in advance for taking-up your time.
    However, if you decide to buy from an EU supplier, I hope this helps.
    Otherwise disregard it all!
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    • Useful Useful x 2
  20. Thanks for the update. VAT is still a killer sadly! I want a Zard exhaust which you can pick up for £1050 ish from Italy. Adding on shipping, VAT and customs charges and your looking at more like £1350
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