F1 (again...)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Symon Moore, Dec 5, 2020.

  1. Agreed, it’s strange because everyone in the paddock seems to say he’s mega but no other team have snapped him up...
    Can see him replacing ham in 22.

  2. Bottas maybe. Ham is what 34? You do wonder how much longer he’ll go on having openly admitted in interviews and press conferences that he finds modern f1 boring ..
  3. I think ham will do one more year and not risk the mercs being rubbish and tarnishing his record with the new regs in 22 onwards. Also gives him a shot at 8 titles. So Russel takes his spot then.
    Isn’t Bottas contracted for next year already so not likely to change?

    Other wild option would be red bull take Russell next year.
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  4. Many moons ago I used to have a customer who ran a very small car race team set up by a gentleman (Ray) who had previously designed and built his own hill climbing car. He somehow got himself involved in the Vauxhall Junior series with his Nephew as driver who won the series, he previously raced karts.

    Following year he raced the Vauxhall Lotus series and came a very close second to the Paul Stewart outfit, it went down to the last race at which PS outfit won the series. They admitted that without throwing a lot of money at the car in order to win they would not have beaten my customers team.

    After the Vauxhall series they switched over to F3 and raced at LeMan for one year too.

    I lost touch with them after a while I think eventually the team folded due maybe to the owners health, but they always said without the big budgets they always struggled but enjoyed their time non the less.

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  5. Well that was embarrassing for Mercedes. Politics. They simply weren’t going to let the apprentice win. He’d pissed it.... #itsallaboutthecar#
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  6. Mercedes now under investigation for fitting incorrect tyres to the car.....couldn't make it up
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  7. There’s mistakes .. and then there’s that :joy:
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  8. You’re, still as a country going to knight HAM.....after it’s clear how he won his titles, just by beating bottas ;)
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  9. As with most things. The tax paying public have no say in this.
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  10. Sounds just like that episode when Schumacher was laid up with a broken leg and Eddie Irvine was on his way to winning a World Championship for Ferrari, except Schumacher was the chosen one so Ferrari decided that Irvine couldn’t possibly take the glory from Micky the Shoe and “lost a wheel” in their garage. That was the first of a series of apparently incompetent bloomers for the remainder of the season, and of course Irvine didn’t win the championship. No, that had to go to Schumacher the following season and he became the hero instead of Irvine.
    Same $hit at Mercedes, how could some young upstart win in a car that he had never driven before and didn’t fit him, win on his first time out! What a farce!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. I have to say this as no one else has....

    The car is obviously better than the rest of the pack. That's hardly a surprise after seven years of dominating virtually every race. Still it could also be the Russell is the real deal. Beating Bottas for most of the race should not have been possible unless (and its certainly a possibility) Bottas has been given a B spec car for the last four years.

    Hamilton might not make the next race either. So we could get a repeat!
    #31 Jez900ie, Dec 7, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2020
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  12. 33F774D1-5B86-4FBB-A4CE-C28B153D9F27.jpeg
    • Funny Funny x 9
  13. I watched this one with interest yesterday evening and i don't do F1,a Fantastic start from the grid plus the restart was timed to perfection,the first pitstop was spot on,had a lead of 5.5 seconds over his team mate with 57 laps to go and then i went to bed as he'd done the job on all the competitors......the results represents Bahrangate.:punch:

    There's No don't about it his stock value would've gone through the roof with this ride.:upyeah:
  14. When he was leading was I the only one thinking they're never going to let him win this race?
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  15. No mate. You’re not. Despite the comical/pathetic cock ups in the pit garage, he was still charging hard and was nailed on for the win...... then ‘box box! You’ve got a puncture!’ Probably : unamused:

    I knew they wouldn’t let him win. But to be fair he’d shown the world at this point that it IS in fact the car. And not LH’s other worldly talent.

    I’m definitely not an F1 expert. But you don’t have to be. Anyone can see the Merc fires off the apex quicker than anything else.

    Bottas must feel a right tit this morning. But he tows the line and ‘takes the knee’ beautifully. He’ll be ok. For now.

    I think F1 got a little bit sussed out yesterday.
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  16. How about some praise and respect for Perez instead of conspiracy theories about Mercedes not wanting their cars to win ( absolutely ridiculous ). The guy was last at some point and came through to win in a car made and run by a team with a third of the manpower of the big teams!
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    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  17. Shite! Mercedes job jobbed.... See ya next year....
  18. Whichever way you cut it Mercedes looked very silly yesterday.
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  19. I'm not sure what I said that could be disagreed with. Perez was last, he did win, his team has about a third of the manpower of the big teams and your drivel about Mercedes is pure speculation. All facts.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  20. Would Hamilton be so willing to receive a Knighthood, from the Monarchy, after being the so heavily involved in the slave trade?
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