748 748r Slipper Clutch

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by NeilH, Dec 7, 2020.

  1. Okay so when I was changing my clutch cover I removed the pressure plates and took the plates out for a bit of a clean. I was careful to keep them in the same order and orientation. What I didn't notice was where the little indents on the metal plates were. Question - does this matter and if so how should I line them up?
  2. I have never aligned the indents on the outer edge of the steel plates. Never had a problem with not doing so.
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  3. Indents ? Do you mean a dot like it’s been centre punched ? Andy
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  4. Usually you have all the dots aligned and also mark which slot in the basket and the centre the dots were before you strip it so it all goes together back in the same place.
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  5. Thanks Andy,
    No a little cutout on the outer edge. I'll take apart tomorrow and post a pic Thanks Neil
  6. There is no slotted post or mark on the pressure plate on a slipper.
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  7. BTW @NeilH when was the slipper last disassembled and re-greased?
  8. Okay, then as @RickyX said no need to line all of them up. 1 or 2 of your 1.5mm thick, plain steels should have a dot on 1 tang which denotes it's a dished plate. If you have 2, assemble them so the dots aren't together.. Andy
  9. I'm always mucking about with my slipper. I've never worried at all about plate orientation or order.
    What is important is the stack height. If it works great then don't play with that.
    I've also flipped my plates around to even up the wear on the friction plate tangs.
    Lithium grease and throw it back together.
    I always re-grease the ball bearings too, if you pull out the basket, which you probably have to anyway to keep them in place
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  11. Thanks everyone,
    I'll ask Paul at PG Performance to have a look at the back of the clutch when it has its next service.
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  12. If it’s a std 748r clutch it won’t have any balls.... which in itself is quite ironic..
  13. Still needs regular clean and lube of the ramps, despite no balls.
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  14. the problem is that most dont understand whats in there or even starting at the springs, so how can they be expected to strip clean and rebuild to the correct tolerances.

    I said rebuild not just throw back together......;)
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