Cafe Racer project finished.....nearly

Discussion in 'Other Bikes' started by Southfrance, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. Hear are some pics of my Suzuki 650 mono Caff Racer, such a blast to ride, only 30 odd horses but loads of torque, great summer fun, open K&N + open reverse cone muffler = bloody loud. IMGP1420.jpg IMGP1418.jpg IMGP1417.jpg

    I have now re-routed the clutch cable, just need to re-jet the Carb, few little tweeks hear and there and she's done.



    #1 Southfrance, Apr 26, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2012
    • Like Like x 4
  2. That looks great. Very sleek and light.
  3. Yep, the donor bike loses about 30kg , I think the finshed bike weights in at around 140kg.
  4. Love these things .... light weight & torque is where biking started (and IMHO is the most fun) ...... should've left the clutch cable where it was - great conversation starter
  5. Nice, looks very simple. In a good way.
  6. I love it
  7. Yep. Works for me. Sort of hankering after something cut down and cafe racer-ish myself one of these days. Always thought the Suzuki would make a good doner bike.

    Liking the prospect of these too, if they end up making them ...but perhaps with a 600 conversion and stuff.
    Sydney Cafe Racers - Blog - 2013 Royal Enfield Continental GT
  8. That looks very good, I'm actually trying to sell my Monster at the moment so I can concerntrate on smaller, custom bikes, I will put the Caff up for sale when it's finished, then it's a street tracker based on the same Suzuki LS 650 donor.
  9. A few new pics, got rid of the cable, put the front fender and Superbrace on, still fidling wiyh the carb, hopre you like






    • Like Like x 3
  10. It does look very pretty
  11. Savage!!!:smile:
  12. In a similar vein, spotted this yesterday, both get my vote :upyeah:


  13. ahh the old 660 single with zapp exhaust..lovely...not sure i like the rear swingarm, but the overall flatracker image is good
  14. Indeed it is , Suzuki 650 ls Savage,
  15. not liking the yellow one, but, SF, that's lovely!

    BTW, down your way at the weekend for La Vencoise.
  16. Its nice but the angle of the silencer on the pipe looks wrong.......
  17. Assuming you mean the Yam, I agree .... should be high level all the way from the head, passing behind the riders right knee ..... would also show off how they've done the rear shock, which looks like it's an 'under the frame' jobbie.
  18. No, I mean the Suzuki......the header pipe looks like its angled up slightly, but the can points almost straight...just looks wrong......
  19. Well noticed that man, I have changed that, the reverse cone now angles up, the carb has been re-jetted, put the shorter front brake cable on, job's a good'n. How does she ride ? I would say the bike is more cruiser than carver, the budget rear springs ( no damping ) and the 19" front wheel make for some squirrely cornering. The fropnt forks are also a bit soft, I will replce the ATF with some 20 grade fork oil soon'ish, all in all she's really fun to ride, top speed of about 80 mph but feels better between 60-70. Now all I have to do is sell her and let the Street Tracker build begin.
  20. Nice bike SF. I'll be headed for Port Vendres for a family holiday during August.
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