Bad News For Wales But Good News For The North East

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Dec 11, 2020.

  1. build it, they will come.
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  2. Shoeless Dai Williams...........?
  3. if i didn't know better i would say i am witnessing the "Cringe". there must be a whole raft of intellect and fine thinkers in Wales. why wouldn't there be, and why could Wales not attract more?
    i have no idea of the legality of Wales ever being able to claim independence, tho at the end of the day, all it takes is for the international community to recognize it as independent as laid out in the UN charter.
  4. Yes apologies there to my fellow Plaid supporters, the thing is Finm your country is far more advanced with the Independence issue and yet the HM Gov UK still says you aint getting a second bite of the cherry how's that sitting with yous lot ?
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  5. Harsh but almost true, there are SOME decent Welsh politicians, not necessarily members of Plaid Cymru though, but for me, the only fit person to lead the U.K. is Nicola Sturgeon. I just wish she was Welsh!
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  6. Better Shoeless Dai Williams than Clueless Boris Johnson :)
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  7. fuelling it rather than suppressing it. when the numbers are broken down, we are pretty much at a tipping point now. the only age group against indi are the over 65's but only just. and the 25 and under at way over 70% for indi. even a majority of wumin are pro indi now which is a big turn around. and as we both know if the wumin wants it, they gets it.
    while they huff and they puff, there is no legal position if Westminster can or can not stop implementing any result from a reff or plebiscite, they certainly cant stop us from holding one, but they can delegitimise one by encoring folks to boycott it. there has been a lot written on Scottish sovereignty and precedent has been set in the past where our sovereignty has over ruled rUK's. Sturgion is receiving a lot of flack from the older generation of Indi campaigners for not going for it just yet, some right at the fringes want to go further. Personally speaking, i prefer the approach taken by Nicola, manage the county well and let the tory/brexiteers aided by labour fuck things up and let the people see for themselves.
    #87 finm, Dec 13, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2020
  8. Aye its a tightrope you're walking with the timing imo, the longer she carries on managing well amongst the Westminster debacle the harder the decision will be for the masses. When the Westminster mob gets ousted, Labour i'm sure will look on The Scots situation more favourably than it has done in the past and regain its previous support .......... just saying.
  9. yip, thats the olds argument and folks do tend to get used to the new norm. i guess there is a possibility that the SNP could become complacent the way labour had up here. but they aint the only Indi party, the Greens are too and are a bigger party than the liberals, as are other partys that are coming through. time will tell. either way they have been v,good for our country, despite there being austerity since they came in to power in 2007. the UK needs braking up, the transformation of rUK as money is puled out of the south to the north and north of england will benefit us all massively.
  10. At the risk of coming across as pedantic it’s not that ROI started the ferry services but that the ferry companies (DFDS & Stena and probably Irish Ferries soon) saw an opportunity in the market to increase their business. This is an example of how businesses will adapt and overcome whatever the eventual outcome is.
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  11. I worry for you lot the same as i do for Wales, i think The Island of Ireland will take care of its self before long with Unification.
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  12. Yep, imagine now the joy of tramping across Wales and England to Dover will be denied those truckers of all of Ireland. They’ll surely miss Spaghetti junction along with other bottlenecks along the way. They’ll have to suffer a cabin with a bed on a long comfortable journey.

    I’ll miss being overtaken by IRL plated trucks exceeding even the speed limit for cars on my travels, think 80 mph is the record so far.....
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  13. oh porty can the English have some of that worry too?
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  14. yip, they have the right to decide written down in law where they CAN have a reff every generation. which is 7years. doh :D
    i do appreciate your concern. and also yer ability to chat without turning it into an anti this or that. there is no shortage of wright thinking people on these islands with that ability, tho they dont have much of a voice to represent them. the down side is, as you know, the way the economy has been set up over the last 40 years where much of it is in london and the south east, where the majority live and that is who labour have to appeal to to get elected. ie, they have to become tory light. they will pay the north and the west lip service, that is all they can do. it's a vicious circle.
    at the moment, only one scenario can change the way i think about home rule. move the UK parliament out of london, spread the civil service evenly across the UK. lose the HOL and create a second house with an equal number of representatives from each home nation sitting it. a proper federal UK Gov. ie, exactly what labour have been saying they would do from their conception. i have got bored waiting.
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  15. Done that Scudder for the first 60yrs of my life when i lived there, ............. why do you think i moved ? When i climbed over Offa's i was like a spent shell.
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  16. Yes, you are quite correct, I phrased my post incorrectly and it does appear that I meant ROI had started the ferry services when it was the ferry companies themselves. Apologies if I was misleading. :upyeah:
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  17. again, thats a fine example of, build it and they will come.
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  18. I wasn’t trying to pull you up Longdog, I just wanted to use your post as an example that whatever happens in the coming days/weeks businesses will overcome it and prosper it won’t all be the doom & gloom fir either the UK or any EU state that some on here seem to like making others believe.
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  19. I do hope your right WCP :confused:
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  20. Hi WCP, no offence taken and thank you for clarifying my post :upyeah:
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