Bad News For Wales But Good News For The North East

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Dec 11, 2020.

  1. Unfortunately I don’t see how 1.5m working people and associated companies (those that pay a bit of tax) could support the Welsh people, it’s infrastructure and it’s future investment if it went alone.
    I guess debt is just paper. We have enough of it again now as U.K. PLC!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. Just juggling with employment, N E of England highest unemployment in the UK soon to be adjusted on the back of our Welsh employees losing their jobs or future job prospects.
  3. [​IMG]
    • Funny Funny x 1

  4. Is that because Bojo won't allow it ? Or is that actions of Scurrying Rats ?
  5. because they will lose.(scurrying rats) the first one was held only because they thaught they would win big. they got a scare in the last few days leading up to the reff when yes where ahead, broke purda rules, offered devo max which they wouldnt allow on the ballot, then refused any meaningfull powers after they won.
    look who blocked the most powers.
    perfidious albion.
  6. treachery ....
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  7. B40D4F30-4B9B-41F7-AB91-F0CC8BF2936D.jpeg
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Were you born in England?
  9. I'm not sure whether it's specifically support for Welsh Independence, more like support for Plaid Cymru. The Conservatives and UKIP in Wales are dire so it's really down to Labour and Plaid as the two largest parties, to scrap it out for the votes. Under the atrocious and uninspiring Drakeford, Labour has been haemorrhaging support and Plaid has been the beneficiary; this has emboldened Plaid to promote their independence agenda. Whether the Welsh electorate buy into that remains to be seen.
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  10. It's funny that you think that of Plaid yet support a superannuated local councillor who by the most byzantine selection process, even by Labour standards, was chosen ahead of the far more capable Eluned Morgan. FFS we had giants like Rhodri Morgan and Carwyn Jones who understood how business works; now we have this professional social worker?
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  11. I.o.W.
  12. Bit of a Jobist remark there Richard, byzantine process or not the majority hold Drakeford in high esteem imo. He certainly isn't a career politician, a good man who understands his countries needs.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  13. Yes, Mark Drakeford can polarise people but as portboy has said, he is a good man who is putting Wales and the Welsh people first.
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  14. interesting stuff, what is worth concidering tho is that support for independence in Wales wont nessecery mean suport for the party of independence at elections. for example, 40+% of labour votors up here will vote for indi when the reff comes, as will a % of all the other UK party votors. in the same way many SNP votors wont vote for indi.
    i suspect as support rises in Wales, votors opposed to it will move to conservative as we have seen up here. Caryn Jones understands the Act of Union, Drakeford seems quite sympathetic to it. quite the opposit of labour up here.
    #114 finm, Dec 15, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Is it not coincidental that since the Government announced Tier 3 restrictions for London, now there is a great outcry about “catastrophic loss of jobs in London”. Just what do these people think has been happening around the rest of U.K.?
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  16. while it is not a true picture of the current situation, it is worth pointing out that our unemplyment rate has dropped to 4.2% while rUK avarage has risen to 4.7%.
  17. I'm sure he is a good man, I just feel he's an incompetent lightweight. I think that having served as a local councillor and a social studies lecturer he lacks the depth of experience and the vision to develop Wales' economy. He is an ideologue who eschews business and therfore doesn't understand it.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  18. Just looked him up. Looks a right cvnt....
    • Funny Funny x 2
  19. Whilst not wishing to make too fine a point regarding his appearance, I'd say that his demeanour neither projects nor instills confidence.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. No that's a Tory.
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