It's that time of year again when the lunatics are on the path wiring up to the mains and trying to out maneuver their neighbours with sublime or just ridiculous lightning displays. What do you've on your front elevation or have seen on your travels.
Seeing as we aren’t having the grandchildren over at all this year, this is the sum total of our Xmas decorating And I prefer it that way
Although the amount of electricity used in the UK has fallen so far this year (attributed to the pandemic), the UK is still a net importer, mostly from France. The latest figure I can find on the internet is 6.5TWh. I don’t know how long that will power stuff but it represents about 6% of the UK usage. Make the most of your naff Christmas lights because come the brave new world on 1st January 2021 ............. Andy
Low key decorations are the way forward,but keep the fridge and wine cellar topped up for festive season.
Bit light on the decs across the roads bins included Ps this was taken middle of the night with iPhone 11 and yes those are stars in the sky